Real-Time Subspace Integration for St.Venant-Kirchhoff Deformable Models

Haptics simulation with large deformations



In this paper, we present an approach for fast subspace integration of reduced-coordinate nonlinear deformable models that is suitable for interactive applications in computer graphics and haptics. Our approach exploits dimensional model reduction to build reduced-coordinate deformable models for objects with complex geometry. We exploit the fact that model reduction on large deformation models with linear materials (as commonly used in graphics) result in internal force models that are simply cubic polynomials in reduced coordinates. Coefficients of these polynomials can be precomputed, for efficient runtime evaluation. This allows simulation of nonlinear dynamics using fast implicit Newmark subspace integrators, with subspace integration costs independent of geometric complexity. We present two useful approaches for generating low-dimensional subspace bases: modal derivatives and an interactive sketching technique. Mass-scaled principal component analysis (mass-PCA) is suggested for dimensionality reduction. Finally, several examples are given from computer animation to illustrate high performance, including force-feedback haptic rendering of a complicated object undergoing large deformations.

Pulling on the Eiffel tower in real-time


Jernej Barbič and Doug L. James. Real-Time Subspace Integration for St.Venant-Kirchhoff Deformable Models. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2005), August 2005 [BiBTeX]

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Pulling on a bridge in real-time

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