Squashing Cubes: Automating Deformable Model Construction for Graphics

The vast majority of geometric meshes used in computer graphics are optimized for rendering, and not deformable object simulation. Despite tools for volume (or surface) (re)meshing of geometric models to support physical simulation, in practice, the construction of physically based deformable models from arbitrary graphical models remains a tedious process for animators.
Squashing Cubes automates the construction of physically based deformable objects from arbitrary geometric models. During preprocess, the geometric model (typically a surface mesh) is voxelized into tiny elastic cubes, i.e., the squashing cubes model. Second, a generic deformable object simulator is used to deform the squashing cubes model. Finally, the resulting deformations are interpolated back onto the original model, thus producing the final animation.
Related projects
- BD-Tree: Output-Sensitive Collision Detection for Reduced Deformable Models
- Output-Sensitive Collision Processing for Reduced-Coordinate Deformable Models (to appear in SIGGRAPH 2004 Electronic Theater)
Doug L. James, Jernej Barbič, and Christopher D. Twigg. Squashing Cubes: Automating Deformable Model Construction for Graphics. In Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 2004 Conference on Sketches & Applications. ACM Press, August 2004. [BiBTeX]
This research is supported by:
- NSF CAREER-0430528
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