Bilinear Spatiotemporal Basis Models
Bilinear Spatiotemporal Basis Models
Ijaz Akhter 1,2 Tomas Simon 3 Sohaib Khan 1
Iain Matthews 2,3 Yaser Sheikh 3
3 The Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
2 Disney Research
School of Science & Engineering
A variety of dynamic objects, such as faces, bodies, and cloth, are represented in computer graphics as a collection of moving spatial landmarks. Spatiotemporal data is inherent in a number of graphics applications including animation, simulation, and object and camera tracking. The principal modes of variation in the spatial geometry of objects are typically modeled using dimensionality reduction techniques, while concurrently, trajectory representations like splines and autoregressive models are widely used to exploit the temporal regularity of deformation. In this article, we present the bilinear spatiotemporal basis as a model that simultaneously exploits spatial and temporal regularity while maintaining the ability to generalize well to new sequences. This factorization allows the use of analytical, predefined functions to represent temporal variation (e.g., B-Splines or the Discrete Cosine Transform) resulting in efficient model representation and estimation. The model can be interpreted as representing the data as a linear combination of spatiotemporal sequences consisting of shape modes oscillating over time at key frequencies. We apply the bilinear model to natural spatiotemporal phenomena, including face, body, and cloth motion data, and compare it in terms of compaction, generalization ability, predictive precision, and efficiency to existing models. We demonstrate the application of the model to a number of graphics tasks including labeling, gap-filling, de-noising, and motion touch-up.
At a glance
The bilinear basis model decomposes a spatiotemporal volume of data into spatial and temporal modes of variation (left). The outer product of these modes constitutes a basis of spatiotemporal modes of variation (center). This model results in higher compaction—meaning fewer coefficients—for the same error (right).
We are grateful to the following people for resources, discussions, and suggestions: Goran Milic, Rafael Tena, Moshe Mahler, Hyun Soo Park, Elizabeth Carter, Simon Lucey, and Jessica Hodgins.
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Example Code
This example MATLAB code is provided as a companion to the paper and illustrates the main algorithms related to the bilinear model. The code was written for clarity rather than for speed or stability. [ (ZIP, 8 MB) ]