Abstract |
This animation shows the travails of an explorer, skateboarder, dancer, and a herd of babies as they navigate an obstacle course. Their motions are generated automatically using our "Behavior Planning" framework. This framework uses a combination of behavior selection and path planning techniques along with a small number of pre-processed motion capture clips. The motions of the obstacles are pre-specified, and incorporated into the planner. In addition, we can use our "Precomputed Search Trees" technique to generate these motions much more efficiently than before.
Eurographics 2007 Animation |
AVI (with audio, 120 MB) |
Related Publications |
Manfred Lau and James Kuffner. 2005. Behavior Planning for Character Animation. ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 271-280. [BiBTeX]
Manfred Lau and James Kuffner. 2006. Precomputed Search Trees: Planning for Interactive Goal-Driven Animation. ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 299-308. [BiBTeX]