15-869: Physically Based Character Animation
Fall 2006
MW 10:30-11:50
4615A Wean Hall
- Email: nsp@cs.cmu.edu
- Office: Newell-Simon Hall 4228b, Phone x8-1479
- Office Hours: please send email to set up an appointment
Course Description
This course will explore topics in physically based character
animation, where the goal is to obtain a character performance that
appears both natural and physically plausible. We will look at
statistical and data-driven approaches to representing motion, as well
as approaches based on optimization. In addition to computer graphics
literature, we will explore related topics in biomechanics and
human motor control. The course should be appropriate for graduate
students with some computer graphics and / or robotics experience and
for advanced undergraduates.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor
Text: A syllabus with papers and topics is here.
Some Resources:
- Hans Mittelmann's Decision Tree for Optimization Software web page.
- Open dynamics engine. A library for creating forward simulations involving rigid body dynamics (including articulated characters).
- AMPL. Modeling language for optimization problems. We use it in conjunction with SNOPT, which web pages seem to be broken, but there is some information here
- Matlab is another possibility if you are considering an optimization project. But make sure you have access to the Optimization Toolbox. Almost every problem we will see will involve constrained, nonlinear optimization. (No simple linear optimization problems in this area!)
- There is a large amount of helpful information on Craig Reynolds' Game Research and Technology page, including a section on Game Physics resources.
Grading: Grading will depend on contributions to class
presentations and discussion and on results and presentation of a
final project. The grade will roughly break down as follows:
- (40 points) Presentations and class participation.
- (60 points) Final project.