Daryna Yakusha Daryna is a senior in Computer Science. Responsibilities: Character modeling, rigging, and animation; bathroom objects modeling.
Wei-ting Du Wei-ting is a senior in Psychology and Art. Responsibilities: Hair rigging; blendshapes for the face and head; character modeling; fruits (in the dining room) modeling.
Xiaoyin (Yin) Li Yin is a senior in Computer Science and Chinese. She loves to do environmental texturing, and does graphic and web design in her spare time; she also makes a mean cheesecake, in all its cream cheesy glory. Responsibilities: Environment modeling; texturing; character rigging; production schedule.
Additional input
Yue (Annie) Zhao Annie is a graduate student in Human-Computer Interaction. She helped in storyboard revision and initial animation development. She did the initial character modeling.
Ian Lin Ian is the original creator of the story. He developed the original storyboard.