Game3: Shady Business

Game3 challenges you to create a game that requires a fancy shading technique (either an interesting surface appearance or shadow rendering) to enable gameplay.

Design (Due by Noon on Thursday, September 27th)

Spend no more than two hours on this portion of the assignment.

Beginning with a fork of the design document template, create a design document for a fancy-shading-requiring game. The game should be of similar complexity to the default design.

A design document should clearly describe the gameplay of your proposed game, starting with a statement of what is interesting about the game, and containing storyboards of crucial game moments. A design document is not a specification -- it can leave some things unsaid -- but it should give a clear idea of how the game works, including goals, controls, and win/loss conditions.

Turn in your design document by e-mailing Jim and Steven a link to a github-hosted git repository. The e-mail subject line should begin with "game3-design:". We have given up on using AFS for this process.

Implementation (Due by Noon on Tuesday, October 2nd)

Specific tasks:

  1. Fork the base3 code as a starting point. The file in the base3 code gives you more information about where to fill in code for a fancy shader.
  2. Once you have the support code working, actually build your game!
  3. Fill in the missing sections in to document your project; replace screenshot.png with a screenshot of your game.

Approved Design Documents:

NOTE: "*" == expected difficulty of implementation

Turn in your game3 by e-mailing Jim and Steven a link to a github-hosted git repository. The e-mail subject line should begin with "game3:".

All games that compile, communicate with their server; are playable (implement their design document); and contain no game-breaking bugs will receive full credit. Games that are extraordinary may receive extra credit.