Game0: Tennis For One

Game0 is a simple SDL warm-up.

Design (Optional; Due by Noon on Thursday, August 31st)

Spend no more than two hours on this portion of the assignment.

Create a design document for a one-screen, one-player game that is controlled using the mouse and displayed using only rectangles. The game should be of similar complexity to the default design.

A design document should clearly describe the gameplay of your proposed game, starting with a statement of what is interesting about the game, and containing storyboards of crucial game moments. A design document is not a specification -- it can leave some things unsaid -- but it should give a clear idea of how the game works, including goals, controls, and win/loss conditions.

Turn in your design document by e-mailing a link to a github repository containing your document as html + png files. Note that, in the future, we will use AFS for this process; however, the course directory has not yet been created.

Implementation (Due by Noon on Tuesday, September 5th)

Write up a game, starting with a fork of the base0 code, based on any approved design document.

Approved Design Documents:

NOTE: "*" == expected difficulty of implementation

Make sure that your code compiles and runs with -Wall -Werror on a recent g++.

Turn in your game by e-mailing a link to a github repository (forked from the base0 repository). The repository should contain:

Note that, in the future, we will use AFS for this process; however, the course directory has not yet been created.

All games that compile, are playable, and contain no game-breaking bugs will receive full credit. Games that are extraordinary may receive extra credit.