15-466 Computer Game Programming

Game0 Design Document

Adriel Luo

The game will be a clone of game where you try to build the tower as high as possible by adding successively shrinking floors to the tower (I don’t know its name!)

The initial tower has one floor:

The player must click to place the next block of the tower. The aim is to place the new block on as much of the previous block as possible. The new block is traveling left and right across the screen rapidly:

When the player clicks the mouse, a new level of the tower is built with a width equal to the amount of overlap between the new piece and the previous piece. For example, if the player clicks while the new block is in this position:

Then a new level is added to the tower, and the next moving block has width equal to the width of the newly placed block:

The game ends when you successfully build a tower to the top of the screen (which could require, for example, 5 blocks), in which case the player wins, or when the new block has no doesn’t overlap vertically with the previous block, in which case it is game over:

The speed with which the new block travels across screen has a direct impact on the difficulty of the game; the faster the block is moving, the more difficult the game is.