

UFO Instruction Graphs are Machine Knittable

Jenny Lin, Yuka Ikarashi, Gilbert Bernstein, James McCann
ACM Trans. Graph.

Tactile DreamFusion: Exploiting Tactile Sensing for 3D Generation

Ruihan Gao, Kangle Deng, Gengshan Yang, Wenzhen Yuan, Jun-Yan Zhu
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)

Differential walk on spheres

Bailey Miller, Rohan Sawhney, Keenan Crane, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Trans. Graph.

3D reconstruction with fast dipole sums

Hanyu Chen, Bailey Miller, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Trans. Graph.

Path sampling methods for differentiable rendering

Tanli Su, Ioannis Gkioulekas
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering

Aperture-aware lens design

Arjun Teh, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Matthew O'Toole
ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Proceedings

Strategy and Skill Learning for Physics-based Table Tennis Animation

Jiashun Wang, Jessica Hodgins, Jungdam Won

Ray Tracing Harmonic Functions

Mark Gillespie, Denise Yang, Mario Botsch, Keenan Crane
ACM Trans. Graph.

Repulsive Shells

Josua Sassen, Henrik Schumacher, Martin Rumpf, Keenan Crane
ACM Trans. Graph.

Walkin' Robin: Walk on Stars with Robin Boundary Conditions

Bailey Miller*, Rohan Sawhney*, Keenan Crane†, Ioannis Gkioulekas†
ACM Trans. Graph.

Minkowski Penalties: Robust Differentiable Constraint Enforcement for Vector Graphics

Jiří Minarčík, Sam Estep, Wode Ni, Keenan Crane
ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Proceedings

I♥Mesh: A DSL for Mesh Processing

Yong Li, Shoaib Kamil, Keenan Crane, Alec Jacobson, Yotam Gingold
ACM Trans. Graph.

A Heat Method for Generalized Signed Distance

Nicole Feng, Keenan Crane
ACM Trans. Graph.

VR-GS: A Physical Dynamics-Aware Interactive Gaussian Splatting System in Virtual Reality

Ying Jiang*, Chang Yu*, Tianyi Xie*, Xuan Li* (equal contributions), Yutao Feng, Huamin Wang, Minchen Li, Henry Lau, Feng Gao, Yin Yang, Chenfanfu Jiang

A Dynamic Duo of Finite Elements and Material Points

Xuan Li, Minchen Li, Xuchen Han, Huamin Wang, Yin Yang, Chenfanfu Jiang

Solid Knitting

Yuichi Hirose, Mark Gillespie, Angelica M. Bonilla Fominaya, James McCann
ACM Trans. Graph.

Content-based search for deep generative models

Daohan Lu, Sheng-Yu Wang, Nupur Kumari, Rohan Agarwal, Mia Tang, David Bau, Jun-Yan Zhu
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Conference Papers

Neural Stress Fields for Reduced-order Elastoplasticity and Fracture

Zeshun Zong, Xuan Li, Minchen Li, Maurizio M. Chiaramonte, Wojciech Matusik, Eitan Grinspun, Kevin Carlberg, Chenfanfu Jiang, Peter Yichen Chen

Subspace-Preconditioned GPU Projective Dynamics with Contact for Cloth Simulation

Xuan Li, Yu Fang, Lei Lan, Huamin Wang, Yin Yang, Minchen Li, Chenfanfu Jiang

Doppler Time-of-Flight Rendering

Juhyeon Kim, Wojciech Jarosz, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Adithya Pediredla
ACM Trans. Graph.

Ablating Concepts in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Nupur Kumari, Bingliang Zhang, Sheng-Yu Wang, Eli Shechtman, Richard Zhang, Jun-Yan Zhu
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

Controllable Visual-Tactile Synthesis

Ruihan Gao, Wenzhen Yuan, Jun-Yan Zhu
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

Evaluating Data Attribution for Text-to-Image Models

Sheng-Yu Wang, Alexei A. Efros, Jun-Yan Zhu, Richard Zhang
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

Semantics and Scheduling for Machine Knitting Compilers

Jenny Lin, Vidya Narayanan, Yuka Ikarashi, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Gilbert Bernstein, James McCann
ACM Trans. Graph.

Winding Numbers on Discrete Surfaces

Nicole Feng, Mark Gillespie, Keenan Crane
ACM Trans. Graph.

Surface Simplification Using Intrinsic Error Metrics

Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu, Mark Gillespie, Benjamin Chislett, Nicholas Sharp, Alec Jacobson, Keenan Crane
ACM Trans. Graph.

Boundary Value Caching for Walk on Spheres

Bailey Miller*, Rohan Sawhney*, Keenan Crane†, Ioannis Gkioulekas†
ACM Trans. Graph.

Walk on Stars: A Grid-Free Monte Carlo Method for PDEs with Neumann Boundary Conditions

Bailey Miller*, Rohan Sawhney*, Keenan Crane†, Ioannis Gkioulekas†
ACM Trans. Graph.

Scaling up GANs for Text-to-Image Synthesis

Minguk Kang, Jun-Yan Zhu, Richard Zhang, Jaesik Park, Eli Shechtman, Sylvain Paris, Taesung Park
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Multi-Concept Customization of Text-to-Image Diffusion

Nupur Kumari, Bingliang Zhang, Richard Zhang, Eli Shechtman, Jun-Yan Zhu
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

3D-aware Conditional Image Synthesis

Kangle Deng, Gengshan Yang, Deva Ramanan, Jun-Yan Zhu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Zero-shot image-to-image translation

Gaurav Parmar, Krishna Kumar Singh, Richard Zhang, Yijun Li, Jingwan Lu, Jun-Yan Zhu

Rewriting Geometric Rules of a GAN

Sheng-Yu Wang, David Bau, Jun-Yan Zhu
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)

Adjoint Nonlinear Ray Tracing

Arjun Teh, Matthew O'Toole, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Trans. Graph.

Physics-Based Inverse Rendering using Combined Implicit and Explicit Geometries

Guangyan Cai, Kai Yan, Zhao Dong, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Shuang Zhao
Computer Graphics Forum

Ensembling Off-the-shelf Models for GAN Training

Nupur Kumari, Richard Zhang, Eli Shechtman, Jun-Yan Zhu
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Depth-supervised NeRF: Fewer Views and Faster Training for Free

Kangle Deng, Andrew Liu, Jun-Yan Zhu, Deva Ramanan
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Integer Coordinates for Intrinsic Geometry Processing

Mark Gillespie, Nicholas Sharp, Keenan Crane
ACM Trans. Graph.

Kaleidoscopic Structured Light

Byeongjoo Ahn, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
ACM Trans. Graph.

Sketch Your Own GAN

Sheng-Yu Wang, David Bau, Jun-Yan Zhu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

Discrete Conformal Equivalence of Polyhedral Surfaces

Mark Gillespie, Boris Springborn, Keenan Crane
ACM Trans. Graph.

Imaging with Local Speckle Intensity Correlations: Theory and Practice

Marina Alterman, Chen Bar, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Anat Levin
ACM Trans. Graph.

Rendering Near-Field Speckle Statistics in Scattering Media

Chen Bar, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Trans. Graph.

Path Tracing Estimators for Refractive Radiative Transfer

Adithya Pediredla, Yasin Karimi Chalmiani, Matteo Giuseppe Scopelliti, Maysam Chamanzar, Srinivasa Narasimhan, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Trans. Graph.

Coupling Programs and Visualization for Machine Knitting

Tianhong Catherine Yu, James McCann
Symposium on Computational Fabrication

Design Adjectives: A Framework for Interactive Model-Guided Exploration of Parameterized Design Spaces

Evan Shimizu, Matthew Fisher, Sylvain Paris, James McCann, Kayvon Fatahalian
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology

Interferometric Transmission Probing with Coded Mutual Intensity

Alankar Kotwal, Anat Levin, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Trans. Graph.

Path-Space Differentiable Rendering

Cheng Zhang, Bailey Miller, Kai Yan, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Shuang Zhao
ACM Trans. Graph.

Langevin Monte Carlo Rendering with Gradient-based Adaptation

Fujun Luan, Shuang Zhao, Kavita Bala, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Trans. Graph.

A Differential Theory of Radiative Transfer

Cheng Zhang, Lifan Wu, Changxi Zheng, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Shuang Zhao
ACM Trans. Graph.

A Monte Carlo Framework for Rendering Speckle Statistics in Scattering Media

Chen Bar, Marina Alterman, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Anat Levin
ACM Trans. Graph.

Ellipsoidal Path Connections for Time-gated Rendering

Adithya Pediredla, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Trans. Graph.

Visual Knitting Machine Programming

Vidya Narayanan*, Kui Wu*, Cem Yuksel, James McCann
ACM Trans. Graph.

Finding Layers Using Hover Visualizations

Evan Shimizu, Matt Fisher, Sylvain Paris, Kayvon Fatahalian
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2019

Exploratory Stage Lighting Design using Visual Objectives

Evan Shimizu, Sylvain Paris, Matt Fisher, Ersin Yumer, Kayvon Fatahalian
Computer Graphics Forum

The Vector Heat Method

Nicholas Sharp, Yousuf Soliman, Keenan Crane
ACM Trans. Graph.

Symmetric Moving Frames

Etienne Corman, Keenan Crane
ACM Trans. Graph.

Navigating Intrinsic Triangulations

Nicholas Sharp, Yousuf Soliman, Keenan Crane
ACM Trans. Graph.

Increasing Robustness in the Detection of Freezing Gait in Parkinson's Disease

Rubén San-Segundo, Honorio Navarro-Hellín, Roque Torres-Sánchez, Jessica Hodgins, Fernando De la Torre

Deep Motifs and Motion Signatures

Andreas Aristidou, Daniel Cohen-Pr, Jessica K. Hodgins, Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Ariel Shamir
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Automated Tremor Detection in Parkinson's Disease Using Accelerometer Signals

Ada Zhang, Rubén San-Segundo, Stanislav Panev, Griffin Tabor, Katelyn Stebbins, Andrew Whitford, Fernando De la Torre, Jessica Hodgins
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Symposium

The Effects of Eye Design on the Perception of Social Robots

Michal Luria, Jessica Hodgins,and Jodi Forlizzi
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)

Scanner: Efficient Video Analysis at Scale

Alex Poms, Will Crichton, Pat Hanrahan, Kayvon Fatahalian
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Variational Surface Cutting

Nicholas Sharp, Keenan Crane
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Automatic Machine Knitting of 3D Meshes

Vidya Narayanan, Lea Albaugh, Jessica Hodgins, Stelian Coros, James McCann
ACM Trans. Graph.

Optimal Cone Singularities for Conformal Flattening

Yousuf Soliman, Dejan Slepčev, Keenan Crane
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Boundary First Flattening

Rohan Sawhney, Keenan Crane
ACM Trans. Graph.

Slang: Language Mechanisms for Extensible Real-time Shading Systems

Yong He, Kayvon Fatahalian, Theresa Foley
ACM Trans. Graph.

Self-similarity Analysis for Motion Capture Cleaning

Andreas Aristidou, Daniel Cohen-Or, Jessica Hodgins, Ariel Shamir
Computer Graphics Forum

Lightweight Structure Design Under Force Location Uncertainty

Erva Ulu, James McCann, Levent Burak Kara
ACM Trans. Graph.

Weakly-supervised learning for Parkinson's Disease tremor detection

Ada Zhang, Alexander Cebulla, Stanislav Panev, Jessica Hodgins, Fernando de la Torre
IEEE Xplore

Whole-cloth quilting patterns from photographs

Chenxi Liu, Jessica Hodgins, Jim McCann
Proceedings of the Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering

Investigating the Effects of Interactive Features for Preschool Television Programming

Elizabeth Carter, Jennifer Hyde, Jessica Hodgins
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children

A Deep Learning Approach for Generalized Speech Animation

Sarah Taylor, Taehwan Kim, Yisong Yue, Moshe Mahler, James Krahe, Anastasio Garcia Rodriguez, Jessica Hodgins, Iain Matthews
ACM Transactions on Graphics

A Dirac Operator for Extrinsic Shape Analysis

Derek Liu, Alec Jacobson, Keenan Crane
Computer Graphics Forum (SGP)

Computational Design of Telescoping Structures

Christopher Yu, Keenan Crane, Stelian Coros
ACM Trans. Graph.

Shader Components: Modular and High Performance Shader Development

Yong He, Theresa Foley, Teguh Hofstee, Haomin Long, Kayvon Fatahalian
ACM Trans. Graph.

Designing Extensible, Domain-Specific Languages for Mathematical Diagrams

Katherine Ye, Keenan Crane, Jonathan Aldrich, Joshua Sunshine
Off the Beaten Track ’17 (co-located with POPL)

Dynamic skin deformation simulation using musculoskeletal model and soft tissue dynamics

Akihiko Murai, Q. Youn Hong, Katsu Yamane, Jessica Hodgins
Computational Visual Media

Momentum-Mapped Inverted Pendulum Models for Controlling Dynamic Human Motions

Taesoo Kwon, Jessica Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Line-Drawing Video Stylization

N. Ben-Zvi, J. Bento, M. Mahler, J. Hodgins, A. Shamir
Computer Graphics Forum

Predicting Moves-on-Stills for Comic Art Using Viewer Gaze Data

Eakta Jain, Yaser Sheikh, Jessica Hodgins
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

A compiler for 3D machine knitting

James McCann, Lea Albaugh, Vidya Narayanan, April Grow, Wojciech Matusik, Jennifer Mankoff, Jessica Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Automatically Scheduling Halide Image Processing Pipelines

Mullapudi, Ravi Teja, Adams, Andrew, Sharlet, Dillon, Ragan-Kelley, Jonathan, Fatahalian, Kayvon
ACM Trans. Graph.

A System for Rapid Exploration of Shader Optimization Choices

Yong He, Theresa Foley, Kayvon Fatahalian
ACM Trans. Graph.

Real-time skeletal skinning with optimized centers of rotation

Binh Huy Le, Jessica Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Designing Animated Characters for Children of Different Ages

Elizabeth Carter, Moshe Mahler, Maryyan Landlord, Kyna McIntosh, Jessica Hodgins
Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children

A hybrid hydrostatic transmission and human-safe haptic telepresence robot

John P. Whitney, Tianyao Chen, John Mars, Jessica Hodgins
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

Investigating the Influence of Avatar Facial Characteristics on the Social Behaviors of Children with Autism

Elizabeth Carter, Jennifer Hyde, Diane Williams, Jessica Hodgins
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Beyond Developable: Computational Design and Fabrication with Auxetic Materials

Konakovic, Mina, Crane, Keenan, Deng, Bailin, Bouaziz, Sofien, Piker, Daniel, Pauly, Mark
ACM Trans. Graph.

A Novel Artificial Intelligence System for Endotracheal Intubation

Jestin Carlson, Samarjit Das, Fernando de la Torre, Adam Frisch, Francis Guyette, Jessica Hodgins
Pre-hospital Emergency Care

Evaluating Animated Characters: Facial Motion Magnitude Influences Personality Perceptions

Jennifer Hyde, Elizabeth Carter, Sara Kiesler, Jessica Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception

A System for Rapid, Automatic Shader Level of Detail

Yong He, Theresa Foley, Natalya Tatarchuck, Kayvon Fatahalian
ACM Trans. Graph.

Semantic Shape Editing Using Deformation Handles

M. Ersin Yumer, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Jessica K. Hodgins, Levent Burak Kara
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2015)

Deciphering the Influence of Product Shape on Consumer Judgments Through Geometric Abstraction

Gunay Orbay, Luoting Fu, Levent Burak Kara
Journal of Mechanical Design

Realtime style transfer for unlabeled heterogeneous human motion

Shihong Xia, Congyi Wang, Jinxiang Chai, Jessica Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics

A perceptual control space for garment simulation

Leonid Sigal, Moshe Mahler, Spencer Diaz, Kyna McIntosh, Elizabeth Carter, Timothy Richards, Jessica Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Using an Interactive Avatar's Facial Expressiveness to Increase Persuasiveness and Socialness

Jennifer Hyde, Elizabeth Carter, Sara Kiesler, Jessica Hodgins
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Stripe Patterns on Surfaces

Felix Knöppel, Keenan Crane, Ulrich Pinkall, Peter Schröder
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH 2015

Gaze-Driven Video Re-Editing

Eakta Jain, Yaser Sheikh, Ariel Shamir, Jessica Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Assessment of Movement Patterns during Intubation between Novice and Experienced Providers Using Mobile Sensors: A Preliminary, Proof of Concept Study

Jestin Carlson, Samarjit Das, Stephanie Spring, Adam Frisch, Fernando de la Torre, Jessica Hodgins
BioMed Research International

Anthropomorphic bias found in typically developing children is not found in children with autistic spectrum disorder

Thierry Chaminade, Delphine Rosset, David Da Fonseca, Jessica Hodgins, Christine Deruelle
Sage Journals

Generating and ranking diverse multi-character interactions

Jungdam Won, Kyungho Lee, Carol O'Sullivan, Jessica Hodgins, Jehee Lee
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)

Virtual model control for dynamic lateral balance

Ruta Desai, Hartmut Geyer, Jessica Hodgins
2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots

A low-friction passive fluid transmission and fluid-tendon soft actuator

John P. Whitney, Matthew F. Glisson, Eric L. Brockmeyer, Jessica K. Hodgins
2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

Extending the Graphics Pipeline with Adaptive, Multi-rate Shading

Yong He, Yan Gu, Kayvon Fatahalian
ACM Trans. Graph.

Are Children with Autism More Responsive to Animated Characters? A Study of Interactions with Humans and Human-Controlled Avatars

Elizabeth Carter, Diane Williams, Jessica Hodgins, Jill Lehman
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Spatial and Temporal Linearities in Posed and Spontaneous Smiles

Laura C. Trutoiu, Elizabeth J. Carter, Nancy Pollard, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Jessica K. Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP)

Playing catch with robots: Incorporating social gestures into physical interactions

Elizabeth Carter, Michael Mistry, G. Peter K. Carr, Brooke Kelly, Jessica Hodgins
The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication

RNA design rules from a massive open laboratory

Jeehyung Lee, Wipapat Kladwang, Minjae Lee, Daniel Cantu, Martin Azizyan, Hanjoo Kim, Alex Limpaecher, Sungroh Yoon, Adrien Treuille, Rhiju Das, EteRNA Participants
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Self-Refining Games using Player Analytics

Matt Stanton, Ben Humberston, Brandon Kase, James F. O'Brien, Kayvon Fatahalian, Adrien Treuille
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Co-Constrained Handles for Deformation in Shape Collections

Mehmet E. Yumer, Levent Burak Kara
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2014)

A passively safe and gravity-counterbalanced anthropomorphic robot arm

John P. Whitney, Jessica K. Hodgins
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

Analysis of smartphone video footage classifies chest compression rate during simulated CPR.

Adam Frisch, Samarjit Das, Joshua Reynolds, Fernando de la Torre, Jessica Hodgins, Jestin Carlson
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine

Assessing naturalness and emotional intensity: a perceptual study of animated facial motion

Jennifer Hyde, Elizabeth Carter, Sara Kiesler, Jessica Hodgins
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception

Automatic editing of footage from multiple social cameras

Ido Arev, Hyun Soo Park, Yaser Sheikh, Jessica Hodgins, Ariel Shamir
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Conversing with children: cartoon and video people elicit similar conversational behaviors

Jennifer Hyde, Sara Kiesler, Jessica Hodgins, Elizabeth Carter
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Model-Based Control and Estimation of Humanoid Robots via Orthogonal Decomposition

Michael Mistry, Akihiko Murai, Katsu Yamane, Jessica Hodgins
Experimental Robotics. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics,

A visualization framework for team sports captured using multiple static cameras

Raffay Hamid, Ramkrishnan Kumar, Jessica Hodgins, Irfan Essa
Computer Vision and Image Understanding

Simulated motion blur does not improve player experience in racing game

Lavanya Sharan, Zhe Han Neo, Kenny Mitchell, Jessica Hodgins
Proceeding MIG '13 Proceedings of Motion on Games

Evaluating the distinctiveness and attractiveness of human motions on realistic virtual bodies

Ludovic Hoyet, Kenneth Ryall, Katja Zibrek, Hwangpil Park, Jehee Lee, Jessica Hodgins, Carol O'Sullivan
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)

Near-exhaustive Precomputation of Secondary Cloth Effects

Doyub Kim, Woojong Koh, Rahul Narain, Kayvon Fatahalian, Adrien Treuille, James F. O'Brien
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Non-Polynomial Galerkin Projection on Deforming Meshes

Alex Limpaecher, Nicolas Feltman, Michael Cohen
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Real-Time Drawing Assistance Through Crowdsourcing

Matthew Stanton, Yu Sheng, Martin Wicke, Federico Perazzi, Amos Yuen, Srinivasa Narasimhan
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Expressing animated performances through puppeteering

Takaaki Shiratori, Moshe Mahler, Warren Trezevant, Jessica Hodgins
2013 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI)

Unpleasantness of animated characters corresponds to increased viewer attention to faces

Elizabeth Carter, Moshe Mahler, Jessica Hodgins
SAP '13 Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception

A Practical Analytic Model for the Radiosity of Translucent Scenes

Yu Sheng, Yulong Shi, Lili Wang, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games

Style and abstraction in portrait sketching

Itamar Berger, Ariel Shamir, Moshe Mahler, Elizabeth Carter, Jessica Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception

Perceptual effects of damped and exaggerated facial motion in animated characters

Jennifer Hyde, Elizabeth Carter, Sara Kiesler, Jessica Hodgins
2013 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG)

The temporal connection between smiles and blinks

Laura Trutoiu, Jessica Hodgins, Jeffrey Cohn
2013 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG)

Motion Synthesis for Sports Using Unobtrusive Lightweight Body-Worn and Environment Sensing

P. Kelly, C.Ó Conaire, N.E. O'Connor, J. Hodgins
Computer Graphics Forum

Hierarchical Aligned Cluster Analysis for Temporal Clustering of Human Motion

Feng Zhou, Fernando de la Torre, Jessica Hodgins
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Co-Abstraction of Shape Collections

Mehmet Ersin Yumer, Levent Burak Kara
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2012)

Multi-linear Data-Driven Dynamic Hair Model with Efficient Hair-Body Collision Handling

Peng Guan, Leonid Sigal, Valerie Reznitskaya, Jessica Hodgins
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Bilinear Spatiotemporal Basis Models

Ijaz Akhter, Tomas Simon, Sohaib Khan, Iain Matthews, Yaser Sheikh
ACM Transactions on Graphics

What Makes Paris Look like Paris?

Carl Doersch, Saurabh Singh, Abhinav Gupta, Josef Sivic, Alexei A. Efros
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Three-dimensional Proxies for Hand-drawn Characters

Eakta Jain, Yaser Sheikh, Moshe Mahler, Jessica Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Inferring Artistic Intention in Comic Art through Viewer Gaze

Eakta Jain, Yaser Sheikh, Jessica Hodgins
ACM Symposium on Applied Perception

Video-based 3D Motion Capture through Biped Control

Marek Vondrak, Leonid Sigal, Jessica Hodgins, Odest Jenkins
ACM Transaction of Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Smoke Sheets for Graph-Structured Vortex Filaments

Alfred Barnat, Nancy Pollard
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Dynamic Units of Visual Speech

Sarah Taylor, Moshe Mahler, Barry-John Theobald, Iain Matthews
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Co-Abstraction of Shape Collections

Mehmet Ersin Yumer, Levent Burak Kara
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2012)

Sketch-Based Surface Design Using Malleable Curve Networks

Gunay Orbay, Levent Burak Kara
Computers & Graphics

Dexterous TeleManipulation With a Multi-Touch Interface

Yue Peng Toh, Shan Huang, Joy Lin, Maria Bajze, Garth Zeglin, Nancy S. Pollard
2012 12th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots

3D Gaze Concurrences From Head-Mounted Cameras

Hyun Soo Park, Eakta Jain, Yaser Sheikh
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Motion Capture from Body-Mounted Cameras

Takaaki Shiratori, Hyun Soo Park, Leonid Sigal, Yaser Sheikh, Jessica K. Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Interactive Region-Based Linear 3D Face Models

Tena, J. Rafael, De la Torre, Fernando, Matthews, Iain
ACM Transactions on Graphics

A Puppet Interface for Retrieval of Motion Capture Data

Naoki Numaguchi, Atsushi Nakazawa, Takaaki Shiratori, Jessica K. Hodgins
Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Content Retargeting Using Parameter-Parallel Facial Layers

Kholgade, Natasha, Matthews, Iain, Sheikh, Yaser
Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Mid-level Smoke Control for 2D Animation

Barnat, Alfred, Li, Zeyang, McCann, James, Pollard, Nancy S.
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2011

Data-driven Visual Similarity for Cross-domain Image Matching

Shrivastava, Abhinav, Malisiewicz, Tomasz, Gupta, Abhinav, Efros, Alexei A.
ACM Transaction of Graphics (TOG) (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA)

Fast Simulation of Skeleton-Driven Deformable Body Characters

Junggon Kim, Nancy S. Pollard
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Direct Control of Simulated Non-human Characters

Junggon Kim, Nancy S. Pollard
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

Modeling and Animating Eye Blinks

Trutoiu, Laura C., Carter, Elizabeth J., Matthews, Iain, Hodgins, Jessica K.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception

Beautification of Design Sketches Using Trainable Stroke Clustering and Curve Fitting

Gunay Orbay, Levent Burak Kara
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

A Multi-Layered Display with Water Drops

Peter C. Barnum, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan, Takeo Kanade
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2009)

A Data-driven Segmentation for the Shoulder Complex

Q Youn Hong, Sang Il Park, Jessica K. Hodgins
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics)

Editing Dynamic Human Motions via Momentum and Force

Kwang Won Sok, Katsu Yamane, Jehee Lee, Jessica Hodgins
The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA 2010)

Stable Spaces for Real-time Clothing

Edilson de Aguiar, Leonid Sigal, Adrien Treuille, Jessica K. Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2010)

Control Systems for Human Running using an Inverted Pendulum Model and a Reference Motion Capture Sequence

Taesoo Kwon, Jessica K. Hodgins
The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA 2010)

Augmenting Hand Animation with Three-dimensional Secondary Motion

Eakta Jain, Yaser Sheikh, Moshe Mahler, Jessica Hodgins
The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Animating Non-Humanoid Characters with Human Motion Data

Katsu Yamane, Yuka Ariki, Jessica Hodgins
The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA 2010)

BoLeRO: A principled Technique for Including Bone Length Constraints in Motion Capture Occlusion Filling

Lei Li, James McCann, Christos Faloutsos, Nancy Pollard
The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA 2010)

Modeling Style and Variation in Human Motion

Wanli Ma, Shihong Xia, Jessica Hodgins, Xiao Yang and Chunpeng Li, Zhaoqi Wang
The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA 2010)

Perceptually Motivated Guidelines for Voice Synchronization in Film

Elizabeth Carter, Lavanya Sharan, Laura Trutoiu, Iain Matthews, Jessica Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception

The Saliency of Anomalies in Animated Human Characters

Jessica Hodgins, Sophie Joerg, Carol Sullivan, Sang Il Park, Moshe Mahler
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception

The Perception of Finger Motions

Sophie Joerg, Jessica Hodgins, Carol Sullivan
Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (APGV)

Estimating Natural Illumination from a Single Outdoor Image

Jean-François Lalonde, Alexei A. Efros, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision

A Point-based Method for Animating Incompressible Flow

FunShing Sin, Adam W. Bargteil, Jessica K. Hodgins
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Simulating Balance Recovery Responses to Trips Based on Biomechanical Principles

Takaaki Shiratori, Brooke Coley, Rakié Cham, Jessica K. Hodgins
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Leveraging the Talent of Hand Animators to Create Three-Dimensional Animation

Eakta Jain, Yaser Sheikh, Jessica K. Hodgins
Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Local Layering

James McCann, Nancy S. Pollard
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2009)

Modular Bases for Fluid Dynamics

Martin Wicke, Matt Stanton, Adrien Treuille
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Webcam Clip Art: Appearance and Illuminant Transfer from Time-lapse Sequences

Jean-François Lalonde, Alexei A. Efros, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2009)

Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variation in Motion Data

Manfred Lau, Ziv Bar-Joseph, James Kuffner
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2009)

Image-based Shaving

Minh Hoai Nguyen, Jean-François Lalonde, Alexei A. Efros, Fernando de la Torre
Computer Graphics Forum Journal (Eurographics 2008)

FMDistance: A fast and Effective Distance Function for Motion Capture Data

Kensuke Onuma, Christos Faloutsos, Jessica K. Hodgins
Short Papers Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS

Laziness is a Virtue: Motion Stitching using Effort Minimization

Lei Li, James McCann, Christos Faloutsos, Nancy Pollard
Short Papers Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS

Real-Time Gradient-Domain Painting

James McCann, Nancy S. Pollard
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2008)

IM2GPS: Estimating Geographic Information from a Single Image

James Hays, Alexei A. Efros
Proceedings of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Method for Determining Kinematic Parameters of the In Vivo Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint

Lillian Y. Chang, Nancy S. Pollard
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering

Action Capture with Accelerometers

Ronit Slyper, Jessica Hodgins
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

European Conference on Computer Vision

Jean-François Lalonde, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan, Alexei A. Efros

Accelerometer-based User Interfaces for the Control of a Physically Simulated Character

Takaaki Shiratori, Jessica K. Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2008)

Backward Steps in Rigid Body Simulation

Christopher D. Twigg, Doug L. James
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2008)

Preparatory Object Rotation as a Human-Inspired Grasping Strategy

Lillian Y. Chang, Garth J. Zeglin, Nancy S. Pollard
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2008)

Interactive Tensor Field Design and Visualization on Surfaces

Eugene Zhang, James Hays, Greg Turk
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Robust Estimation of Dominant Axis of Rotation

Lillian Y. Chang, Nancy Pollard
Journal of Biomechanics

Constrained Least-squares Optimization for Robust Estimation of Center of Rotation

Lillian Y. Chang, Nancy S. Pollard
Journal of Biomechanics

Data Driven Grasp Synthesis using Shape Matching and Task-based Pruning

Ying Li, Jiaxin L. Fu, Nancy S. Pollard
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Responsive Characters from Motion Fragments

James McCann, Nancy S. Pollard
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Scene Completion Using Millions of Photographs

James Hays, Alexi Efros
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Photo Clip Art

Jean-François Lalonde, Derek Hoiem, Alexei A. Efros, Carsten Rother, John Winn, Antonio Criminisi
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

A Finite Element Method for Animating Large Viscoplastic Flow

Adam W. Bargteil, Chris Wojtan, Jessica K. Hodgins, Greg Turk
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2007)

Construction and Optimal Search of Interpolated Motion Graphs

Alla Safonova, Jessica K. Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2007)

Anthropomorphism Influences Perception of Computer-animated Characters' Actions

Thierry Chaminade, Jessica Hodgins, Mitsuo Kawato
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Time-Critical Distributed Contact for 6-DoF Haptic Rendering of Adaptively Sampled Reduced Deformable Models

Jernej Barbič, Doug L. James
2007 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Face Poser: Interactive Modeling of 3D Facial Expressions Using Model Priors

Manfred Lau, Jin-Xiang Chai, Ying-Qing Xu, Heung-Yeung Shum
2007 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Legendre Fluids: A Unified Framework for Analytic Reduced Space Modeling and Rendering of Participating Media

Mohit Gupta, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan
2007 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Feature Selection for Grasp Recognition from Optical Markers

Lillian Y. Chang, Nancy Pollard, Tom Mitchell, Eric P. Xing
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

Many-Worlds Browsing for Control of Multibody Dynamics

Christopher D. Twigg, Doug L. James
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2007)

Constraint-based Motion Optimization Using A Statistical Dynamic Model

Jinxiang Chai, Jessica K. Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2007)

Using Color Compatibility for Assessing Image Realism

Jean-François Lalonde, Alexei A. Efros
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision

Near-optimal Character Animation with Continuous Control

Adrien Treuille, Yongjoon Lee, Zoran Popović
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2007)

Acquiring Scattering Properties of Participating Media by Dilution

Srinivasa Narasimhan, Mohit Gupta, Craig Donner, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Shree K. Nayar, Henrik Wann Jensen
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Precomputed Acoustic Transfer: Output-sensitive, Accurate Sound Generation for Geometrically Complex Vibration Sources

Doug L. James, Jernej Barbič, Dinesh K. Pai
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Capturing and Animating Skin Deformation in Human Motion

Sang Il Park, Jessica K. Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Precomputed Search Trees: Planning for Interactive Goal-Driven Animation

Manfred Lau, James J. Kuffner
2006 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Physics-Based Motion Retiming

James McCann, Nancy S. Pollard, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa
2006 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Mesh Ensemble Motion Graphs: Data-driven Mesh Animation with Constraints

Doug L. James, Christopher D. Twigg, Andrew Cove, Robert Y. Wang
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 2006 Conference on Sketches & Applications

Hierarchical Simplification of City Models to Maintain Urban Legibility

Remco Chang, Thomas Butkiewicz, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Zachary Wartell, Nancy S. Pollard, William Ribarsky
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 2006 Conference on Sketches & Applications

A Texture Synthesis Method for Liquid Animations

Adam W. Bargteil, Funshing Sin, Jonathan E. Michaels, Tolga G. Goktekin, James F. O'Brien
2006 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Quantitative Evaluation on Near Regular Texture Synthesis

Wen-Chieh Lin, James H. Hays, Chenyu Wu, Vivek Kwatra, Yanxi Liu
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR '06)

Discovering Texture Regularity as a Higher-Order Correspondence Problem

James H. Hays, Marius Leordeanu, Alexei A. Efros, Yanxi Liu
9th European Conference on Computer Vision

Model Reduction for Real-time Fluids

Adrien Treuille, Andrew Lewis, Zoran Popović
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Continuum Crowds

Adrien Treuille, Seth Cooper, Zoran Popović
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH 2006

Oral Fixations

James Duesing, Jessica K. Hodgins, Bum Lee, Moshe Mahler, Jay Oberski, Sang Il Park, David Tinapple
SIGGRAPH '05: ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Electronic Art and Animation Catalog

Performance Animation from Low-dimensional Control Signals

Jinxiang Chai, Jessica K. Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH 2005

A Data-Driven Approach to Quantifying Natural Human Motion

Liu Ren, Alton Patrick, Alexei A. Efros, Jessica K. Hodgins, James M. Rehg
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2005)

Automatic Photo Pop-up

Derek Hoiem, Alexei A. Efros, Martial Hebert
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

A Practical Analytic Single Scattering Model for Real Time Rendering

Bo Sun, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Srinivasa Narasimhan, Shree K. Nayar
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2005)

Real-Time Subspace Integration for St. Venant-Kirchhoff Deformable Models

Jernej Barbič, Doug L. James
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Skinning Mesh Animations

Doug L. James, Christopher D. Twigg
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Vortex Fluid for Gaseous Phenomena

Sang Il Park, Myoung Jun Kim
2005 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Behavior Planning for Character Animation

Manfred Lau, James J. Kuffner
2005 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Physically Based Grasping Control from Example

Nancy S. Pollard, Victor B. Zordan
2005 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Analyzing the Physical Correctness of Interpolated Human Motion

Alla Safonova, Jessica K. Hodgins
2005 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Learning Silhouette Features for Control of Human Motion

Liu Ren, Gregory Shakhnarovich, Jessica K. Hodgins and Hanspeter Pfister, Paul Viola
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Hardware-Accelerated Adaptive EWA Volume Splatting

Wei Chen, Liu Ren, Matthias Zwicker, Hanspeter Pfister
Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2004

Segmenting Motion Capture Data into Distinct Behaviors

Jernej Barbič, Alla Safonova, Jia-Yu Pan, Christos Faloutsos, Jessica K. Hodgins, Nancy S. Pollard
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2004

Modeling Physical Variability for Synthetic MOUT Agents

Gita Sukthankar, Michael Mandel, Katia Sycara and Jessica K. Hodgins
Proceedings of 2004 Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation

Autonomous Behaviors for Interactive Vehicle Animations

Jared Go, Thuc Vu, James J. Kuffner
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Evaluating Motion Graphs for Character Navigation

Paul S. A. Reitsma, Nancy S. Pollard
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Flow-based Video Synthesis and Editing

Kiran S. Bhat, Steven M. Seitz, Jessica K. Hodgins, Pradeep K. Khosla
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Synthesizing Physically Realistic Human Motion in Low-Dimensional, Behavior-Specific Spaces

Alla Safonova, Jessica K. Hodgins, Nancy S. Pollard
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH 2004

Synthesizing Animations of Human Manipulation Tasks

Katsu Yamane, James J. Kuffner, Jessica K. Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH 2004

Near-Regular Texture Analysis and Manipulation

Yanxi Liu, Wen-Chieh Lin, James Hays
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

BD-Tree: Output-Sensitive Collision Detection for Reduced Deformable Models

Doug L. James, Dinesh K. Pai
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH 2004

Learning Silhouette Features for Control of Human Motion

Liu Ren, Gregory Shakhnarovich, Jessica K. Hodgins, Hanspeter Pfister, Paul Viola
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 2004 Conference on Sketches & Applications

Markerless Human Motion Transfer

German Cheung, Simon Baker, Jessica K. Hodgins, Takeo Kanade
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 2004 Conference on Sketches & Applications

Squashing Cubes: Automating Deformable Model Construction for Graphics

Doug L. James, Jernej Barbič, Christopher D. Twigg
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 2004 Conference on Sketches & Applications

Team Teaching Animation Art and Technology

James Duesing, Jessica K. Hodgins
Educators Program from the 31st Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques

Example-Based Stereo with General BRDFs

Adrien Treuille, Aaron Hertzmann, Steve Seitz
8th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2002)

Fluid Control Using the Adjoint Method

Antoine McNamara, Adrien Treuille, Zoran Popović, Jos Stam
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH 2004

Estimating Cloth Simulation Parameters from Video

Kiran S. Bhat, Christopher D. Twigg, Jessica K. Hodgins, Pradeep K. Khosla, Zoran Popović, Steven M. Seitz
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Vision-based Control of 3D Facial Animation

Jinxiang Chai, Jing Xiao, Jessica K. Hodgins
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

Perceptual Metrics for Character Animation: Sensitivity to Errors in Ballistic Motion

Paul S. A. Reitsma, Nancy S. Pollard
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Efficient Synthesis of Physically Valid Human Motion

Anthony C. Fang, Nancy S. Pollard
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2003)

Precomputing Interactive Dynamic Deformable Scenes

Doug L. James, Kayvon Fatahalian
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH 2003

Keyframe Control of Smoke Simulations

Adrien Treuille, Antoine McNamara, Zoran Popović, Jos Stam
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Creating Models of Truss Structures with Optimization

Jeffrey Smith, Jessica K. Hodgins, Irving Oppenheim, Andrew Witkin
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Motion Capture-Driven Simulations that Hit and React

Victor B. Zordan, Jessica K. Hodgins
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer animation

Simulation Level of Detail for Multiagent Control

David C. Brogan, Jessica K. Hodgins
Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems

Graphical Modeling and Animation of Ductile Fracture

James F. O'Brien, Adam W. Bargteil, Jessica K. Hodgins
ACM Transactions on Graphics / SIGGRAPH

Computing the Physical Parameters of Rigid-Body Motion from Video

Kiran S. Bhat, Steven M. Seitz, Jovan Popović, P. K. Khosla
7th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2002) (Part I)

Object Space EWA Surface Splatting: A Hardware Accelerated Approach to High Quality Point Rendering

Liu Ren, Hanspeter Pfister, Matthias Zwicker
Computer Graphics Forum / Eurographics

Fast and Controllable Simulation of the Shattering of Brittle Objects

Jeffrey Smith, Andrew Witkin, David Baraff
Computer Graphics Forum

Animating Fracture

James F. O'Brien, Jessica K. Hodgins
Communications of the ACM

Tangible Interaction + Graphical Interpretation: a New Approach to 3D Modeling

David Anderson, James L. Frankel, Joe Marks, Aseem Agarwala, Paul Beardsley, Jessica K. Hodgins, Darren Leigh, Kathy Ryall, Eddie Sullivan, Jonathan S. Yedidia
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH

Animating Explosions

Gary D. Yngve, James F. O'Brien, Jessica K. Hodgins
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2000

Interactive Manipulation of Rigid Body Simulations

Jovan Popović, Steven M. Seitz, Michael Erdmann, Zoran Popović, Andrew Witkin
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2000

Animating Athletic Motion Planning By Example

Ronald Metoyer, Jessica K. Hodgins
Graphics Interface

Automatic Joint Parameter Estimation from Magnetic Motion Capture Data

James F. O'Brien, Robert Bodenheimer and Gabriel Brostow, Jessica K. Hodgins
Graphics Interface

Combining Active and Passive Simulations for Secondary Motion

James F. O'Brien, Victor B. Zordan, Jessica K. Hodgins
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications

Graphical Modeling and Animation of Brittle Fracture

James F. O'Brien, Jessica K. Hodgins
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 99

Fast Synthetic Vision, Memory, and Learning Models for Virtual Humans

James J. Kuffner, Jean-Claude Latombe
Proceedings of Computer Animation 1999

The Effects of Noise on the Perception of Animated Human Running

Bobby Bodenheimer, Anna V. Shleyfman, Jessica K. Hodgins
Computer Animation and Simulation '99

Tracking and Modifying Upper-Body Human Motion Data with Dynamic Simulation

Victor B. Zordan, Jessica K. Hodgins
Computer Animation and Simulation '99

Animating Sand, Mud, and Snow

Robert Sumner, James F. O'Brien, Jessica K. Hodgins
Computer Graphics Forum

Two Methods for Display of High Contrast Images

Jack Tumblin, Jessica K. Hodgins, Brian K. Guenter
ACM Transactions on Graphics

Large Steps in Cloth Simulation

David Baraff, Andrew P. Witkin
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 98

Dynamically Simulated Characters in Virtual Environments

David C. Brogan, Ronald A. Metoyer, Jessica K. Hodgins
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications

Adapting Simulated Behaviors For New Characters

Jessica K. Hodgins, Nancy S. Pollard
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 97

Linear-Time Dynamics using Lagrange Multipliers

David Baraff
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 96

Atlanta in Motion

Jessica K. Hodgins
ACM SIGGRAPH 96 Visual Proceedings: The art and interdisciplinary programs of SIGGRAPH '96

Animating Human Athletics

Jessica K. Hodgins, Wayne L. Wooten, David C. Brogan, James F. O'Brien
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH

Planning Motions with Intentions

Yoshihito Koga, Koichi Kondo, James J. Kuffner , Jean-Claude Latombe
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH

Animation of Dynamic Legged Locomotion

Marc H. Raibert, Jessica K. Hodgins
Computer Graphics / Proceedings of SIGGRAPH