Near-Regular Texture Analysis and Manipulation



A near-regular texture deviates geometrically and photometrically from a regular congruent tiling. Although near-regular textures are ubiquitous in the man-made and natural world, they present computational challenges for state of the art texture analysis and synthesis algorithms. Using regular tiling as our anchor point, and with user-assisted lattice extraction, we can explicitly model the deformation of a near-regular texture with respect to geometry, lighting and color. We treat a deformation field both as a function that acts on a texture and as a texture that is acted upon, and develop a multi-modal framework where each deformation field is subject to analysis, synthesis and manipulation. Using this formalization, we are able to construct simple parametric models to faithfully synthesize the appearance of a near-regular texture and purposefully control its regularity.


Yanxi Liu, Wen-Chieh Lin, and James H. Hays. Near-Regular Texture Analysis and Manipulation. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2004), 23(3), August 2004.


This 5 minute movie is a high-level walkthrough of our work. It provides a visualization of the continuous texture spectrum afforded by our geometry gain and color gain parameters. It also shows video replacement results.

User Interface

Automatic lattice extraction is an open problem. Our techniques require a user to specify the lattice of a near-regular texture prior to analysis and manipulation. The interface is straight-forward and quickly mastered. First time users produced lattices similar to expert users, in the same amount of time. This video shows excerpts, with timing, from four different lattice identification tasks. More details can be found in our paper.


Click on the images for larger versions.
Purnell Hall Original Image
Purnell Hall Texture Replaced with solid pink in order to show preservation of lighting
Purnell Hall Texture Replacement
Purnell Hall Texture Replacement
Purnell Hall texture replaced with regular, synthetic bricks.
Purnell Hall texture replaced with irregular, synthetic bricks.
Purnell Hall texture replaced with irregular ground texture.


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