Mesh Ensemble Motion Graphs: Data-driven Mesh Animation with Constraints
We explore the use of space-time cuts to smoothly transition between stochastic mesh animation clips involving numerous deformable mesh groups while subject to physical constraints. These transitions are used to construct Mesh Ensemble Motion Graphs for interactive data-driven animation of high-dimensional mesh animation datasets, such as those arising from expensive physical simulations of deformable objects blowing in the wind. We formulate the transition computation as an integer programming problem, and introduce a novel randomized algorithm to compute transitions subject to geometric nonpenetration constraints. We present examples for several physically based motion datasets, with real-time display and optional interactive control over wind intensity via transitions between wind levels. We discuss challenges and opportunities for future work and practical application.

- SIGGRAPH Sketch (PDF; 2MB)
- Preprint (PDF; 18MB; Updated June 2007)
- Video (DivX AVI; 74MB)
- Data used in project
- Slides from SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 (keynote.zip; 402MB; Dec08)
This research is supported by:
- NSF CAREER-0430528
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Pixar
- NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship
And additionally by hardware donations from Intel and NVIDIA, and software donations from Autodesk.
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