15-464 / 15-664 Administrative Information for Spring 2021

Time: Monday and Wednesday from 12:20-1:40pm
Place: REMOTE (see Piazza/Canvas)

Online Resources

The class web page is at

This is the primary online source for information about the course, including assignments, lecture notes, and administrative details.


Recommended Text

Grading Information

Grading for the class will be as follows:


The primary assignments will be programming assignments. You may work individually or in groups of two or three. Please reference any outside sources you use to complete the assignments.

The final project may be done individually or in groups of two or three. If you want to do a final project as a group, please coordinate this with the instructor.

Late policy

Programming assignments should be turned in by midnight on the day they are due.

Late days: A total of three late days may be taken during the semester on the first two programming assignments. No late days are permitted for the final project. Extensions beyond these late days require a REALLY good excuse or a penalty of 10% of the value of the assignment/day.