Advanced Character Physics
By Thomas Jakobsen
January 21, 2003
This article explains the basic elements of an approach to
physically-based modeling which is well suited for interactive use. It is
simple, fast, and quite stable, and in its basic version the method does not
require knowledge of advanced mathematical subjects (although it is based on a
solid mathematical foundation). It allows for simulation of both cloth; soft and
rigid bodies; and even articulated or constrained bodies using both forward and
inverse kinematics.
The algorithms were developed for IO Interactive’s game Hitman: Codename
47. There, among other things, the physics system was responsible for the
movement of cloth, plants, rigid bodies, and for making dead human bodies fall
in unique ways depending on where they were hit, fully interacting with the
environment (resulting in the press oxymoron “lifelike death animations”).The
article also deals with subtleties like penetration test optimization and
friction handling.
The use of physically-based modeling to produce nice-looking animation has
been considered for some time and many of the existing techniques are fairly
sophisticated. Different approaches have been proposed in the literature
[Baraff, Mirtich, Witkin, and others] and much effort has been put into the
construction of algorithms that are accurate and reliable. Actually, precise
simulation methods for physics and dynamics have been known for quite some time
from engineering. However, for games and interactive use, accuracy is really not
the primary concern (although it’s certainly nice to have) – rather, here the
important goals are believability (the programmer can cheat as much as he wants
if the player still feels immersed) and speed of execution (only a certain time
per frame will be allocated to the physics engine). In the case of physics
simulation, the word believability also covers stability; a method is no good if
objects seem to drift through obstacles or vibrate when they should be lying
still, or if cloth particles tend to “blow up”.
The methods demonstrated in this paper were created in an attempt to reach
these goals. The algorithms were developed and implemented by the author for use
in IO Interactive’s computer game Hitman: Codename 47, and have all been
integrated in IO’s in-house game engine Glacier. The methods proved to be quite
simple to implement (compared to other schemes at least) and have high
The algorithm is iterative such that, from a certain point, it can be stopped
at any time. This gives us a very useful time/accuracy trade-off: If a small
source of inaccuracy is accepted, the code can be allowed to run faster; this
error margin can even be adjusted adaptively at run-time. In some cases, the
method is as much as an order of magnitude faster than other existing methods.
It also handles both collision and resting contact in the same framework and
nicely copes with stacked boxes and other situations that stress a physics
In overview, the success of the method comes from the right combination of
several techniques that all benefit from each other:
A so-called Verlet integration scheme.
Handling collisions and penetrations by projection.
A simple constraint solver using relaxation.
A nice square root approximation that gives a solid
Modeling rigid bodies as particles with constraints.
An optimized collision engine with the ability to calculate
penetration depths.
Each of the above subjects will be explained shortly. In writing this
document, the author has tried to make it accessible to the widest possible
audience without losing vital information necessary for implementation. This
means that technical mathematical explanations and notions are kept to a minimum
if not crucial to understanding the subject. The goal is demonstrating the
possibility of implementing quite advanced and stable physics simulations
without dealing with loads of mathematical intricacies.
The content is organized as follows. First, in Section 2, a “velocity-less”
representation of a particle system will be described. It has several
advantages, stability most notably and the fact that constraints are simple to
implement. Section 3 describes how collision handling takes place. Then, in
Section 4, the particle system is extended with constraints allowing us to model
cloth. Section 5 explains how to set up a suitably constrained particle system
in order to emulate a rigid body. Next, in Section 6, it is demonstrated how to
further extend the system to allow articulated bodies (that is, systems of
interconnected rigid bodies with angular and other constraints). Section 7
contains various notes and shares some experience on implementing frictionetc.
Finally, in Section 8 a brief conclusion.
In the following, bold typeface indicates vectors. Vector components are
indexed by using subscript, i.e., x=(x1, x2,
Verlet integration
The heart of the simulation is a particle system. Typically, in
implementations of particle systems, each particle has two main variables: Its
position x and its velocity v. Then in the time-stepping loop, the
new position x’ and velocity v’ are often computed by applying the
where Dt is the time step, and a is the
acceleration computed using Newton’s law f=ma (where f is
the accumulated force acting on the particle). This is simple Euler
Here, however, we choose a velocity-less representation and another
integration scheme: Instead of storing each particle’s position and velocity, we
store its current position x and its previous position
x*. Keeping the time step fixed, the update rule (or
integration step) is then:
This is called Verlet integration (see [Verlet]) and is used intensely when
simulating molecular dynamics. It is quite stable since the velocity is
implicitly given and consequently it is harder for velocity and position to come
out of sync. (As a side note, the well-known demo effect for creating ripples in
water uses a similar approach.) It works due to the fact that
2x-x*=x+(x-x*) and
x-x* is an approximation of the current velocity
(actually, it’s the distance traveled last time step). It is not always very
accurate (energy might leave the system, i.e., dissipate) but it’s fast and
stable. By lowering the value 2 to something like 1.99 a small amount of drag
can also be introduced to the system.
At the end of each step, for each particle the current position x gets stored
in the corresponding variable x*. Note that when manipulating
many particles, a useful optimization is possible by simply swapping array
The resulting code would look something like this (the Vector3 class should
contain the appropriate member functions and overloaded operators for
manipulation of vectors):
// Sample code for physics simulation
class ParticleSystem
Vector3 m_x[NUM_PARTICLES];
// Current positions
m_oldx[NUM_PARTICLES]; // Previous
m_a[NUM_PARTICLES]; // Force
Vector3 m_vGravity;
// (constructors,
initialization etc. omitted)
// Verlet integration step
ParticleSystem::Verlet() {
for(int i=0; i<NUM_PARTICLES;
i++) {
Vector3& x =
Vector3 temp =
Vector3& oldx =
Vector3& a =
x +=
oldx =
// This function should accumulate forces
for each particle
void ParticleSystem::AccumulateForces()
// All
particles are influenced by gravity
for(int i=0;
i<NUM_PARTICLES; i++) m_a[i] = m_vGravity;
// Here constraints should
be satisfied
void ParticleSystem::SatisfyConstraints() {
// Ignore this
function for now
void ParticleSystem::TimeStep()
The above code has been written for clarity, not speed. One optimization
would be using arrays of float instead of Vector3 for the state representation.
This might also make it easier to implement the system on a vector
This probably doesn’t sound very groundbreaking yet. However, the advantages
should become clear soon when we begin to use constraints and switch to rigid
bodies. It will then be demonstrated how the above integration scheme leads to
increased stability and a decreased amount of computation when compared to other
Try setting a=(0,0,1), for example, and use the start condition
x=(1,0,0), x*=(0,0,0), then do a couple of iterations
by hand and see what happens.
Collision and contact handling by projection
So-called penalty-based schemes handle contact by inserting springs at the
penetration points. While this is very simple to implement, it has a number of
serious drawbacks. For instance, it is hard to choose suitable spring constants
such that, on one hand, objects don’t penetrate too much and, on the other hand,
the resulting system doesn’t get unstable. In other schemes for simulating
physics, collisions are handled by rewinding time (by binary search for
instance) to the exact point of collision, handling the collision analytically
from there and then restarting the simulation – this is not very practical from
a real-time point of view since the code could potentially run very slowly when
there are a lot of collisions.
Here, we use yet another strategy. Offending points are simply projected out
of the obstacle. By projection, loosely speaking, we mean moving the point as
little as possible until it is free of the obstacle. Normally, this means moving
the point perpendicularly out towards the collision surface.
Let’s examine an example. Assume that our world is the inside of the cube
(0,0,0)-(1000,1000,1000) and assume also that the particles’ restitution
coefficient is zero (that is, particles do not bounce off surfaces when
colliding). To keep all positions inside the valid interval, the corresponding
projection code would be:
// Implements particles in a box
ParticleSystem::SatisfyConstraints() {
for(int i=0;
i<NUM_PARTICLES; i++) { // For all
Vector3& x =
x = vmin(vmax(x, Vector3(0,0,0)),
(vmax operates on vectors taking the component-wise maximum whereas vmin
takes the component-wise minimum.) This keeps all particle positions inside the
cube and handles both collisions and resting contact. The beauty of the Verlet
integration scheme is that the corresponding changes in velocity will be handled
automatically. In the following calls to TimeStep(), the velocity is
automatically regulated to contain no component in the normal direction of the
surface (corresponding to a restitution coefficient of zero). See Figure
Figure 1: Ten timesteps and two
Try it out – there is no need to directly cancel the velocity in the normal
direction. While the above might seem somewhat trivial when looking at
particles, the strength of the Verlet integration scheme is now beginning to
shine through and should really become apparent when introducing constraints and
coupled rigid bodies in a moment.
Solving several concurrent constraints by relaxation
A common model for cloth consists of a simple system of interconnected
springs and particles. However, it is not always trivial to solve the
corresponding system of differential equations. It suffers from some of the same
problems as the penalty-based systems: Strong springs leads to stiff systems of
equations that lead to instability if only simple integration techniques are
used, or at least bad performance – which leads to pain. Conversely, weak
springs lead to elastically looking cloth.
However, an interesting thing happens if we let the stiffness of the springs
go to infinity: The system suddenly becomes solvable in a stable way with a very
simple and fast approach. But before we continue talking about cloth, let’s
revisit the previous example. The cube considered above can be thought of as a
collection of unilateral (inequality) constraints (one for each side of the
cube) on the particle positions that should be satisfied at all times:
In the example, constraints were satisfied (that is, particles are kept
inside the cube) by simply modifying offending positions by projecting the
particles onto the cube surface. To satisfy (C1), we use the following
// Pseudo-code to satisfy (C1)
for i=1,2,3
xi=min{max{xi, 0}, 1000}
One may think of this process as inserting infinitely stiff springs between
the particle and the penetration surface – springs that are exactly so strong
and suitably damped that instantly they will attain their rest length zero.
We now extend the experiment to model a stick of length 100. We do this by
setting up two individual particles (with positions x1 and x2) and
then require them to be a distance of 100 apart. Expressed mathematically, we
get the following bilateral (equality) constraint:
Although the particles might be correctly placed initially, after one
integration step the separation distance between them might have become invalid.
In order to obtain the correct distance once again, we move the particles by
projecting them onto the set of solutions described by (C2). This is done by
pushing the particles directly away from each other or by pulling them closer
together (depending on whether the erroneous distance is too small or too
large). See Figure 2.
Figure 2: Fixing an invalid distance by moving
The pseudo-code for satisfying the constraint (C2) is
// Pseudo-code to satisfy (C2)
delta = x2-x1;
deltalength =
diff = (deltalength-restlength)/deltalength;
x1 -=
x2 += delta*0.5*diff;
Note that delta is a vector so delta*delta is actually a dot product. With
restlength=100 the above pseudo-code will push apart or pull together the
particles such that they once more attain the correct distance of 100 between
them. Again we may think of the situation as if a very stiff spring with rest
length 100 has been inserted between the particles such that they are instantly
placed correctly.
Now assume that we still want the particles to satisfy the cube constraints.
By satisfying the stick constraint, however, we may have invalidated one or more
of the cube constraints by pushing a particle out of the cube. This situation
can be remedied by immediately projecting the offending particle position back
onto the cube surface once more – but then we end up invalidating the stick
constraint again.
Really, what we should do is solve for all constraints at once, both (C1) and
(C2). This would be a matter of solving a system of equations. However, we
choose to proceed indirectly by local iteration. We simply repeat the two pieces
of pseudo-code a number of times after each other in the hope that the result is
useful. This yields the following code:
// Implements simulation of a stick in a box
ParticleSystem::SatisfyConstraints() {
for(int j=0;
// First satisfy
for(int i=0;
i<NUM_PARTICLES; i++) { // For all
x =
= vmin(vmax(x, Vector3(0,0,0)),
// Then satisfy
Vector3& x1 =
Vector3& x2
= m_x[1];
Vector3 delta
= x2-x1;
deltalength =
diff =
-= delta*0.5*diff;
+= delta*0.5*diff;
(Initialization of the two particles has been omitted.) While this approach
of pure repetition might appear somewhat naïve, it turns out that it actually
converges to the solution that we are looking for! The method is called
relaxation (or Jacobi or Gauss-Seidel iteration depending on how you do it
exactly, see [Press]). It works by consecutively satisfying various local
constraints and then repeating; if the conditions are right, this will converge
to a global configuration that satisfies all constraints at the same time. It is
useful in many other situations where several interdependent constraints have to
be satisfied at the same time.
The number of necessary iterations varies depending on the physical system
simulated and the amount of motion. It can be made adaptive by measuring the
change from last iteration. If we stop the iterations early, the result might
not end up being quite valid but because of the Verlet scheme, in next frame it
will probably be better, next frame even more so etc. This means that stopping
early will not ruin everything although the resulting animation might appear
somewhat sloppier.
Cloth Simulation
The fact that a stick constraint can be thought of as a really hard spring
should make apparent its usefulness for cloth simulation as sketched in the
beginning of this section. Assume, for example, that a hexagonal mesh of
triangles describing the cloth has been constructed. For each vertex a particle
is initialized and for each edge a stick constraint between the two
corresponding particles is initialized (with the constraint’s “rest length”
simply being the initial distance between the two vertices).
The function HandleConstraints()
then uses relaxation over all
constraints. The relaxation loop could be iterated several times. However, to
obtain nicely looking animation, actually for most pieces of cloth only one
iteration is necessary! This means that the time usage in the cloth simulation
depends mostly on the N square root operations and the N divisions performed
(where N denotes the number of edges in the cloth mesh). As we shall see, a
clever trick makes it possible to reduce this to N divisions per frame update –
this is really fast and one might argue that it probably can’t get much
// Implements cloth simulation
struct Constraint
int particleA, particleB;
// Assume that an array of constraints, m_constraints,
void ParticleSystem::SatisfyConstraints()
for(int j=0; j<NUM_ITERATIONS; j++)
for(int i=0;
Constraint& c =
x1 =
x2 =
delta = x2-x1;
deltalength =
-= delta*0.5*diff;
+= delta*0.5*diff;
// Constrain one particle of the
cloth to origo
m_x[0] =
We now discuss how to get rid of the square root operation. If the
constraints are all satisfied (which they should be at least almost), we already
know what the result of the square root operation in a particular constraint
expression ought to be, namely the rest length r of the corresponding stick. We
can use this fact to approximate the square root function. Mathematically, what
we do is approximate the square root function by its 1st order Taylor-expansion
at a neighborhood of the rest length r (this is equivalent to one Newton-Raphson
iteration with initial guess r). After some rewriting, we obtain the following
// Pseudo-code for satisfying (C2) using sqrt approximation
delta =
-= delta;
x2 += delta;
Notice that if the distance is already correct (that is, if
|delta|=restlength), then one gets delta=(0,0,0) and no change is going to
Per constraint we now use zero square roots, one division only, and the
squared value restlength*restlength can even be precalculated! The usage of time
consuming operations is now down to N divisions per frame (and the corresponding
memory accesses) – it can’t be done much faster than that and the result even
looks quite nice. Actually, in Hitman, the overall speed of the cloth simulation
was limited mostly by how many triangles it was possible to push through the
rendering system.
The constraints are not guaranteed to be satisfied after one iteration only,
but because of the Verlet integration scheme, the system will quickly converge
to the correct state over some frames. In fact, using only one iteration and
approximating the square root removes the stiffness that appears otherwise when
the sticks are perfectly stiff.
By placing support sticks between
strategically chosen couples of vertices sharing a neighbor, the cloth algorithm
can be extended to simulate plants. Again, in Hitman only one pass through the
relaxation loop was enough (in fact, the low number gave the plants exactly the
right amount of bending behavior).
The code and the equations covered in this section assume that all particles
have identical mass. Of course, it is possible to model particles with different
masses, the equations only get a little more complex.
To satisfy (C2) while respecting particle masses, use the following code:
// Pseudo-code to satisfy (C2)
delta = x2-x1;
deltalength =
diff =
-= invmass1*delta*diff;
x2 += invmass2*delta*diff;
Here invmass1 and invmass2 are the numerical inverses of the two masses. If
we want a particle to be immovable, simply set invmass=0 for that particle
(corresponding to an infinite mass). Of course in the above case, the square
root can also be approximated for a speed-up.
Rigid Bodies
The equations governing motion of rigid bodies were discovered long before
the invention of modern computers. To be able to say anything useful at that
time, mathematicians needed the ability to manipulate expressions symbolically.
In the theory of rigid bodies, this lead to useful notions and tools such as
inertia tensors, angular momentum, torque, quaternions for representing
orientations etc. However, with the current ability to process huge amounts of
data numerically, it has become feasible and in some cases even advantageous to
break down calculations to simpler elements when running a simulation. In the
case of 3D rigid bodies, this could mean modeling a rigid body by four particles
and six constraints (giving the correct amount of degrees of freedom, 4x3-6 =
6). This simplifies a lot of aspects and it’s exactly what we will do in the
Consider a tetrahedron and place a particle at each of the four vertices. In
addition, for each of the six edges on the tetrahedron create a distance
constraint like the stick constraint discussed in the previous section. This is
actually enough to simulate a rigid body. The tetrahedron can be let loose
inside the cube world from earlier and the Verlet integrator will let it move
correctly. The function SatisfyConstraints()
should take care of
two things: 1) That particles are kept inside the cube (like previously), and 2)
That the six distance constraints are satisfied. Again, this can be done using
the relaxation approach; 3 or 4 iterations should be enough with optional square
root approximation.
Now clearly, in general rigid bodies do not behave like tetrahedrons
collision-wise (although they might do so kinetically). There is also another
problem: Presently, collision detection between the rigid body and the world
exterior is on a vertex-only basis, that is, if a vertex is found to be outside
the world it is projected inside again. This works fine as long as the inside of
the world is convex. If the world were non-convex then the tetrahedron and the
world exterior could actually penetrate each other without any of the
tetrahedron vertices being in an illegal region (see Figure 3 where the triangle
represents the 2D analogue of the tetrahedron). This problem is handled in the
Figure 3: A tetrahedron pentrating the
We’ll first consider a simpler version of the problem. Consider the stick
example from earlier and assume that the world exterior has a small bump on it.
The stick can now penetrate the world exterior without any of the two stick
particles leaving the world (see Figure 4). We won’t go into the intricacies of
constructing a collision detection engine since this is a science in itself.
Instead we assume that there is a subsystem available which allows us to detect
the collision. Furthermore we assume that the subsystem can reveal to us the
penetration depth and identify the penetration points on each of the two
colliding objects. (One definition of penetration points and penetration depth
goes like this: The penetration distance dp is the shortest distance
that would prevent the two objects from penetrating if one were to translate one
of the objects by the distance dp in a suitable direction. The
penetration points are the points on each object that just exactly touch the
other object after the aforementioned translation has taken place.)
a look again at Figure 4. Here the stick has moved through the bump after the
Verlet step. The collision engine has identified the two points of penetration,
p and q. In Figure 4a, p is actually identical to the
position of particle 1, i.e., p=x1. In Figure 4b, p lies
between x1 and x2 at a position ¼ of the stick length from
x1. In both cases, the point p lies on the stick and consequently
it can be expressed as a linear combination of x1 and x2,
p=c1 x1+c2 x2 such that c1+c2=1. In the first case, c1=1
and c2=0, in the second case, c1=0.75 and c2=0.25. These values tell us how much
we should move the corresponding particles.
To fix the invalid configuration of the stick, it should be moved upwards
somehow. Our goal is to avoid penetration by moving p to the same
position as q. We do this by adjusting the positions of the two particles
x1 and x2 in the direction of the vector between p and
q, D=q-p.
In the first case, we simply project x1 out of the invalid region like
earlier (in the direction of q) and that’s it (x2 is not touched).
In the second case, p is still nearest to x1 and one might reason
that consequently x1 should be moved more than x2. Actually, since
p=0.75 x1 + 0.25 x2, we will choose to move x1 by an amount
of 0.75 each time we move x2 by an amount of 0.25. In other words, the
new particle positions x1’ and x2’ are given by the
where l is some unknown value. The new position of
p after moving both particles is p’=c1 x1’+ c2 x2’.
Recall that we want p’=q, i.e., we should choose l exactly such
that p’ ends up coinciding with q. Since we move the particles
only in the direction of D, also p moves in the
direction of D and consequently the solution to the
equation p’=q can be found by solving:
for l. Expanding the left-hand side yields:
which together with the right-hand side of (**) gives
Plugging l into (*) gives us the new positions of
the particles for which p’ coincide with q.
Figure 5 shows the situation after moving the particles. We have no object
penetration but now the stick length constraint has been violated. To fix this,
we do yet another iteration of the relaxation loop (or several) and we’re
The above strategy also works for the tetrahedron in a
completely analogous fashion. First the penetration points p and q
are found (they may also be points interior to a triangle), and p is
expressed as a linear combination of the four particles p=c1 x1+c2
x2+c3 x3+c4 x4 such that c1+c2+c3+c4=1 (this calls for
solving a small system of linear equations). After finding D=q-p, one computes the value:
and the new positions are then given by:
Here, we have collided a single rigid body with an immovable world. The above
method generalizes to handle collisions of several rigid bodies. The collisions
are processed for one pair of bodies at a time. Instead of moving only p,
in this case both p and q are moved towards each other.
Again, after adjusting the particle positions such that they satisfy the
non-penetration constraints, the six distance constraints that make up the rigid
body should be taken care of and so on. With this method, the tetrahedron can
even be imbedded inside another object that can be used instead of the
tetrahedron itself to handle collisions. In Figure 6, the tetrahedron is
embedded inside a cube.
First, the cube needs to be ‘fastened’ to the tetrahedron in some way. One
approach would be choosing the system mass midpoint
0.25*(x1+x2+x3+x4) as the cube’s position and then
derive an orientation matrix by examining the current positions of the
particles. When a collision/penetration is found, the collision point p
(which in this case will be placed on the cube) is then treated exactly as above
and the positions of the particles are updated accordingly. As an optimization,
it is possible to precompute the values of c1-c4 for all vertices of the cube.
If the penetration point p is a vertex, the values for c1-c4 can be
looked up and used directly. Otherwise, p lies on the interior of a
surface triangle or one of its edges and the values of c1-c4 can then be
interpolated from the precomputed values of the corresponding triangle
Embedding the tetrahedron inside another
Usually, 3 to 4 relaxation iterations are enough. The bodies
will not behave as if they were completely rigid since the relaxation iterations
are stopped prematurely. This is mostly a nice feature, actually, as there is no
such thing as perfectly rigid bodies – especially not human bodies. It also
makes the system more stable.
By rearranging the positions of the particles that make up the tetrahedron,
the physical properties can be changed accordingly (mathematically, the inertia
tensor changes as the positions and masses of the particles are changed).
Other arrangements of particles and constraints than a tetrahedron are
possible such as placing the particles in the pattern of a coordinate system
basis, i.e. at (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1). Let a, b, and
c be the vectors from particle 1 to particles 2, 3, and 4, respectively.
Constrain the particles’ positions by requiring vectors a, b, and
c to have length 1 and the angle between each of the three pairs of
vectors to be 90 degrees (the corresponding dot products should be zero).
(Notice, that this again gives four particles and six constraints.)
Articulated Bodies
It is possible to connect multiple rigid bodies by hinges, pin joints, and so
on. Simply let two rigid bodies share a particle, and they will be connected by
a pin joint. Share two particles, and they are connected by a hinge. See Figure
It is also possible to connect two rigid bodies by a stick constraint or any
other kind of constraint – to do this, one simply adds the corresponding
‘fix-up’ code to the relaxation loop.
This approach makes it possible to construct a complete model of an
articulated human body. For additional realism, various angular constraints will
have to be implemented as well. There are different ways to accomplish this. A
simple way is using stick constraints that are only enforced if the distance
between two particles falls below some threshold (mathematically, we have a
unilateral (inequality) distance constraint, |x2-x1|>100). As a
direct result, the two particles will never come too close to each other. See
Figure 8.
Figure 8: Two stick constraints and an inequality constraint
Another method for restraining angles is to satisfy a dot product
Particles can also be restricted to move, for example, in certain planes
only. Once again, particles with positions not satisfying the above-mentioned
constraints should be moved – deciding exactly how is slightly more complicated
that with the stick constraints.
Actually, in Hitman corpses aren’t composed of rigid bodies modeled by
tetrahedrons. They are simpler yet, as they consist of particles connected by
stick constraints in effect forming stick figures. See Figure 9. The position
and orientation for each limb (a vector and a matrix) are then derived for
rendering purposes from the particle positions using various cross products and
vector normalizations (making certain that knees and elbows bend naturally).
Figure 9: The particle/stick configuration used in
Hitman to represetn human
In other words, seen isolated each limb is not a rigid body with the usual 6
degrees of freedom. This means that physically the rotation around the length
axis of a limb is not simulated. Instead, the skeletal animation system used to
setup the polygonal mesh of the character is forced to orientate the leg, for
instance, such that the knee appears to bend naturally. Since rotation of legs
and arms around the length axis does not comprise the essential motion of a
falling human body, this works out okay and actually optimizes speed by a great
Angular constraints are implemented to enforce limitations of the
human anatomy. Simple self collision is taken care of by strategically
introducing inequality distance constraints as discussed above, for example
between the two knees – making sure that the legs never cross.
For collision with the environment, which consists of triangles, each stick
is modeled as a capped cylinder. Somewhere in the collision system, a subroutine
handles collisions between capped cylinders and triangles. When a collision is
found, the penetration depth and points are extracted, and the collision is then
handled for the offending stick in question exactly as described in the
beginning of Section 5.
Naturally, a lot of additional tweaking was necessary to get the result just
This section contains various remarks that didn’t fit anywhere else.
Motion control
To influence the motion of a simulated object, one
simply moves the particles correspondingly. If a person is hit at the shoulder,
move the shoulder particle backwards over a distance proportional to the
strength of the blow. The Verlet integrator will then automatically set the
shoulder in motion.
This also makes it easy for the simulation to ‘inherit’ velocities from an
underlying traditional animation system. Simply record the positions of the
particles for two frames and then give them to the Verlet integrator, which then
automatically continues the motion. Bombs can be implemented by pushing each
particle in the system away from the explosion over a distance inversely
proportional to the square distance between the particle and the bomb
It is possible to constrain a specific limb, say the hand, to a fixed
position in space. In this way, one can implement inverse kinematics (IK):
Inside the relaxation loop, keep setting the position of a specific particle (or
several particles) to the position(s) wanted. Giving the particle infinite mass
(invmass=0) helps making it immovable to the physics system. In Hitman, this
strategy is used when dragging corpses; the hand (or neck or foot) of the corpse
is constrained to follow the hand of the player.
Handling friction
Friction has not been taken care of yet. This
means that unless we do something more, particles will slide along the floor as
if it were made of ice. According to the Coulomb friction model, friction force
depends on the size of the normal force between the objects in contact. To
implement this, we measure the penetration depth dp when a
penetration has occurred (before projecting the penetration point out of the
obstacle). After projecting the particle onto the surface, the tangential
velocity vt is then reduced by an amount proportional to
dp (the proportion factor being the friction constant). This is done
by appropriately modifying x*. See the Figure 10. Care should
be taken that the tangential velocity does not reverse its direction – in this
case one should simply be set it to zero since this indicates that the
penetration point has seized to move tangentially. Other and better friction
models than this could and should be implemented.
Figure 10: Collision handling with friction (projection and
modification of tangential
Collision detection
One of the bottlenecks in physics simulation as
presented here lies in the collision detection, which is potentially performed
several times inside the relaxation loop. It is possible, however, to iterate a
different number of times over the various constraints and still obtain good
In Hitman, the collision system works by culling all triangles inside
the bounding box of the object simulated (this is done using a octtree
approach). For each (static, background) triangle, a structure for fast
collision queries against capped cylinders is then constructed and cached. This
strategy gave quite a speed boost.
To prevent objects that are moving
really fast from passing through other obstacles (because of too large time
steps), a simple test if performed. Imagine the line (or a capped cylinder of
proper radius) beginning at the position of the object’s midpoint last frame and
ending at the position of the object’s midpoint at the current frame. If this
line hits anything, then the object position is set to the point of collision.
Though this can theoretically give problems, in practice it works fine.
Another collision ‘cheat’ is used for dead bodies. If the unusual thing
happens that a fast moving limb ends up being placed with the ends of the capped
cylinder on each side of a wall, the cylinder is projected to the side of the
wall where the cylinder is connected to the torso.
The number of relaxation iterations used in
Hitman vary between 1 and 10 with the kind of object simulated. Although
this is not enough to accurately solve the global system of constraints, it is
sufficient to make motion seem natural. The nice thing about this scheme is that
inaccuracies do not accumulate or persist visually in the system causing object
drift or the like – in some sense the combination of projection and the Verlet
scheme manages to distribute complex calculations over several frames (other
schemes have to use further stabilization techniques, like Baumgarte
stabilization). Fortunately, the inaccuracies are smallest or even nonexistent
when there is little motion and greatest when there is heavy motion – this is
nice since fast or complex motion somewhat masks small inaccuracies for the
human eye.
A kind of soft bodies can also be implemented by using ‘soft’
constraints, i.e., constraints that are allowed to have only a certain
percentage of the deviation ‘repaired’ each frame (i.e., if the rest length of a
stick between two particles is 100 but the actual distance is 60, the relaxation
code could first set the distance to 80 instead of 100, next frame 90, 95, 97.5
As mentioned, we have purposefully refrained from using heavy mathematical
notation in order to reach an audience with a broader background. This means
that even though the methods presented are firmly based mathematically, their
origins may appear somewhat vague or even magical.
For the mathematically inclined, however, what we are doing is actually a
sort of time-stepping approach to solving differential inclusions (a variant of
differential equations) using a simple sort of interior-point algorithm (see
[Stewart] where a similar approach is discussed). When trying to satisfy the
constraints, we are actually projecting the system state onto the manifold
described by the constraints. This, in turn, is done by solving a system of
linear equations. The linear equations or code to solve the constraints can be
obtained by deriving the Jacobian of the constraint functions. In this article,
relaxation has been discussed as an implicit way of solving the system. Although
we haven’t touched the subject here, it is sometimes useful to change the
relaxation coefficient or even to use over-relaxation (see [Press] for an
explanation). Since relaxation solvers sometimes converge slowly, one might also
choose to explicitly construct the equation system and use other methods to
solve it (for example a sparse matrix conjugate gradient descent solver with
preconditioning using the results from the previous frame (thereby utilizing
Note that the Verlet integrator scheme exists in a number of variants, e.g.,
the Leapfrog integrator and the velocity Verlet integrator. Accuracy might be
improved by using these.
Singularities (divisions by zero usually brought about by coinciding
particles) can be handled by slightly dislocating particles at random.
As an optimization, bodies should time out when they have fallen to rest. To
toy with the animation system for dead characters in Hitman: Codename 47,
open the Hitman.ini file and add the two lines “enableconsole 1” and “consolecmd
ip_debug 1” at the bottom. Pointing the cursor at an enemy and pressing shift+F9
will cause a small bomb to explode in his vicinity sending him flying. Press K
to toggle free-cam mode (camera is controlled by cursor keys, shift, and
Note that since all operations basically take place on the particle level,
the algorithms should be very suitable for vector processing (Playstation 2 for
This paper has described how a physics system was implemented in
Hitman. The underlying philosophy of combining iterative methods with a
stable integrator has proven to be successful and useful for implementation in
computer games. Most notably, the unified particle-based framework, which
handles both collisions and contact, and the ability to trade off speed vs.
accuracy without accumulating visually obvious errors are powerful features.
Naturally, there are still many specifics that can be improved upon. In
particular, the tetrahedron model for rigid bodies needs some work. This is in
the works.
At IO Interactive, we have recently done some experiments with interactive
water and gas simulation using the full Navier-Stokes equations. We are
currently looking into applying techniques similar to the ones demonstrated in
this paper in the hope to produce faster and more stable water simulation.
The author wishes to thank Jeroen Wagenaar for fruitful discussions and the
entire crew at IO Interactive for cooperation and for producing such a great
working environment.
[Baraff] Baraff, David, Dynamic Simulation of Non-Penetrating Rigid
Bodies, Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Cornell University, 1992.
[Mirtich] Mirtich, Brian V., Impulse-base Dynamic Simulation of Rigid Body
Systems, Ph.D. thesis, University of California at Berkeley, 1996.
[Press] Press, William H. et al, Numerical Recipes, Cambridge
University Press, 1993.
[Stewart] Stewart, D. E., and J. C. Trinkle, “An Implicit Time-Stepping
Scheme for Rigid Body Dynamics with Inelastic Collisions and Coulomb Friction”,
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, to appear.
[Verlet] Verlet, L. "Computer experiments on classical fluids. I.
Thermodynamical properties of Lennard-Jones molecules", Phys. Rev., 159, 98-103
[Witkin] Witkin, Andrew and David Baraff, "Physically Based Modeling:
Principles and Practice", Siggraph ’97 course notes, 1997.
Collision and contact handling by
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