Assignment 3: Cloth Simulation
Due Date: Mar 27
Grade Value: 20%
In this assignment, you'll implement a cloth simulator. Cloth is
modeled using a spring mass damper system, with springs and dampers
for stretch, shear and bend. First, you will implement a
simple particle simulator that includes gravity forces. Then
you will add springs to connect the particles, and implement
the following spring forces:
- Stretch spring and damping forces
- Shear spring and damping forces
- Bend spring and damping forces
- Implement a particle simulator with gravity.
- Implement springs to connect the particles and add stretch, shear,
and bend spring and damping forces.
- Prepare a project report describing what you did and
discussing how to change parameters to create different cloth
properties. What kinds of cloth are easy to model? Which are
more difficult?
- Create an animation to show off your cloth simulation system.
- Prepare a 5min presentation to discuss your project and show
your results in class.
Hand in:
- Your code and documentation of how to run it.
- Your report.
- Your animation.
Extra Credit:
Implement texture mapping on the cloth
- Implement collisions and add other objects to the scene to interact
with the cloth.
Implement friction, air drag,
or any other interesting aerodynamic effects (like wind, etc.).
Other interesting animations with multiple
pieces of cloth. Be creative!
Last Updated: Jan 11, 2007