Assignment 1: Interpolation
Due Date: Jan 30
Grade Value: 15%
In this assignment, you'll implement interpolation using
splines and use your code to create a keyframed animation to
demonstrate to the class.
Design or choose an articulated character to animate.
Design or choose an input format for keyframes. Your system
should input keyframes that indicate both the
time and the complete pose of the character.
Implement an interpolation technique using the spline of your
choice (e.g., Catmull-Rom or Bezier splines). Your system
will create a smooth animation of the character by
interpolating the character pose between input keyframes.
Produce a final keyframed animation.
Write a project report. Your report should include a description
of your implementation choices and plots that show keyframed
points and interpolated curves for at least two
degrees-of-freedom of your character. These curves should
be clearly labelled, and they should match the animation you
hand in.
Prepare a 5min presentation that you will give in class on
Jan. 30. In this presentation you will briefly describe
your implementation and show your animation.
in (please supply a CD or URL from which the files can be downloaded):
- Your code and documentation of how to run it.
- Your project report.
- Your animation.
You may do this project using any software that you prefer, although
of course you must write the code for keyframe interpolation on your
own. One option is to use the ASF / AMC viewer (and source code)
available at this web page:
You could, for example, download a motion from the motion capture
database (, extract a
few frames to use as keyframes, write your own code to interpolate
between those keyframes to produce a complete animation at 30fps, and
play the resulting animation in the ASF/AMC viewer.
Last Modified: 01/10/07