Tom Turing and the Case of the Electro-Magnetic Hooker
Scene 1
Alley way at Nighttime. Robot hooker standing by a lamppost. Car drives up. Robot hooker walks over to the window and peers in. After a few seconds she stands up and motions to the driver to follow her. The two robots walk into an unlit part of the alley. The Camera dolly's to show the dark part.
Robot 1: Hey baby! That's output not input! WHOOOOOOOOA"
Sparks fly and the Robot continues to shout. The Robot hooker is show approaching the camera, silhouetted by the lights from behind her. There is a large flash and then fade to black.
Scene 2
Theme Song
Scene 3
Tom Turing is sitting at his desk, reading robot porn. He turns the page and his hat flies off.
Turing "Whoa Moma"
Camera behind shoulder reveals that the magazine is just 0's and 1's. The phone rings.
Turing. "Tom Turing, private detective. (pause) Your Husband? (Pause) Killed? (Swivels in his chair to face the camera) "I'll take the case"
Zoom in on Tom's eye.
Scene three. Slow zoom out from the last shot of Tom's Eye to show him walking towards the alley.
Turing (V.O.) "Any detective worth his weight in tungsten knows the scene of the crime is the first place to check."
As Turing approaches the alley, the roboprostitutes start posing. One approaches Tom and says "Hey hot stuff (horrible cough) looking for a good time?"
Tom: Sorry ma'am (knocks on his crotch plate) I'm not packing all my peripherals today. But I am looking for some info!"
Hookerbot: "Umm... I don't know nothing... especially nothing about murders that may or may not have happened here last night!
While she is talking, Hookerbot and the other prostitutes starts to back away and eventually break into a run.
Scene 4
Turing (VO): Since the hooker bots were no help and the police nabbed the body, the alley way turned out to be a real dead end. Seeing as how it was already noon, and the case hadn't busted wide open, I decided to get a little sauced up on the juice.
Tom is walking into a shady establishment "Earl's Establishment". Tom walk in and sits down at the bar.
Earl "How ya doin Tom? Come to get juiced up on the sauce?"
Tom "Its been a long day Earl. Hit me."
Earl takes a gas pump and inserts it into Tom's back. Gas counter starts ticking up.
Scene 5
Outside shot. Night turns to day and back to night again.
Scene 6
Closeup shot of Tom's face. Camera rotates and pulsl back to reveal that Tom is on the floor, singing drunkenly. The hose has come loose but it still flows, pouring out all over the floor. A manbot and hooker bot walk in and go straight to the bathroom.
Shot of bathroom door. There is a shriek and light flashes through the door. Tom picks his head up, looks over and exclaims "Holy Canoli!" He stumbles up into a sitting position.
Earl walks by with a mop and says "Puddles in the par and dead bots in the bathroom... everythin is backwards today."
Tom: "Hold on Earl. I might have just cracked the case@ I'm going in."
Earl: "Be careful, that hooker looks like on tough cookie."
Tom: "Don't worry, I've got my powers of... persuasion." (Starts getting up and struts over to the hooker bot) "Hey baby, want to come back to my place? I've got TechTV."
Fade to black.
Scene 7
Tom (VO): One persuasion later...
Fade in and Tom is sitting at a computer hooked up to the hookers severed head. Tom is typing away. Hooker Bots head makes modem noises.
Tom stands up: "Its as I've suspected all along."
Scene 8
Cut to Tom on the phone.
Tom: "Ma'am, I've discovered the murderer of your husband... YOU! You created a deadly hookerbot to kill your philandering husband. But you knew you'd gone too far. You wanted to stop your creation, before you had the oil of innocent robots on your hands... Yes.... Yes... No, I hadn't thought about how you would pay me if I sent you to jail. Credit card will be fine."
Scene 9
Tom Turing is in the bar, gas hose hooked up.
Tom "Well Earl, another job well done."
Earl: "How do you figure Tom? All you did was kill a hooker and take a bribe."
Tom: "Earl, if I needed morals, I'd turn to Jesusbot."