The keys are different under linux than under windows. You can fix some
of these problems by following the instructions here:
go to help/library menu in maya
click installing/linux
go to User notes
go to Linux desktop configuration
follow the instructions from there
For this project you will have to render your files out for playback in fcheck. Below are instructions for rendering so that your images will play back correctly. When you are looking at your files be sure to have the playback set to '24fps realtime', rather than 'play every frame', while working on your animation otherwise your animations will played back too fast in class.
To render frames for viewing in F-Check:
1) Go to the "Render Global Settings" Window (Window->Rendering Editors->Render Globals)
2) Go to the "Image File Output" tab (should be open already) and verify/Change the following settings:
File Name Prefix: (not set; using filename)
Frame/Animation Ext: name.ext.# (important)
Image Format: Maya IFF (iff)
Frame Padding should be set as follows:
If you have 1-9 frames in your animation - Frame Padding = 1
If you have 10-99 frames in your animation - Frame Padding = 2
If you have 100-999 frames in your animation - Frame Padding = 3
If you have 1000-9999 frames in your animation - Frame Padding = 4
3) Go to the "Resolution" tab (should be open already) and goto the
"Presets" pulldown and select "320x240".
4) Set any other settings, such as quality, etc. Then goto the "Rendering" menu set and select Render->Batch Render.
After the initial pitch storyboards will be narrowed and students will be partnered to develop the ideas further.
There is a storyboard file on the art server for your storyboard projects.
The direct link is
You will need to use the class name and password which was sent out via email.
Your storyboards should be in the artserver so that we can incorporate them into a powerpoint document. Your images should be in in a folder with your name on it. They should be in jpeg format numbered in order.
Grouping behavior: Implement a grouping behavior similar but not identical to what was demonstrated in class. Feel free to be more creative! You must have at least 20 moving objects and at least a few interesting behaviors for them. Turn in frames and your script so that we can load it while grading. Be prepared to describe what you did during the critique.
Handouts: class outline and the demo system.