Climb is a loose narrative that follows three characters, the climbers, as they journey
ardously up a steep hill. As they make their treck slowly, they encounter various
obstacles and tribulations, including the constant taunts of the runners, who run past the climbers haughtily.
The animation, while belonging to some kind of narrative, still has an abstract appeal. It belongs to no specific place or time and relies only on the ambience of the environment and subtle motion and facial expression of the characters to convey the tone.

Climb is a 3D animation being executed in Alias|Wavefront's MAYA software, as part of the course Animation Art and Technology at Carnegie Mellon University. It will be complete in mid May of 2006.

Click Here to download the last updated storyboard (PowerPoint format)


Low winds and the soft squeaking of wheels is heard.

The silence is interupted by the slam of a hand into the dirt. Squeaking grows louder as a body is pulled into the frame.
Missing Shot: A brief camera follow of a mysterious wheel contraption dragging through the dirt.

Cut Wide: Three climbers are climbing ardously up a steep hill.

They continue on for a short while.

Climber A loses his grip and slides down the hill. He is unable to stop the downward momentum.

Climbers B and C stare helplessly.

To add insult to injury, a runner glides past them in their desparation.

The Runner performs a brieft dance/taunt and continues his ascent.

A brief glance is shared...

...And the climbing continues.

Climber B, while proceeding normally, suddenly lurches downward violently.

He looks back to see what the problem is.

Cut back to reveal his broken apperatus. A wheel rolls toward the camera.

Climber B tries to continue, but without wheels, there is too much friction...

In his desparation, two more runners fly past.

Climber C continues on alone. This shot mirrors the opening shot, but the grass is much thinner and the dirt shows through.

He drives forward, exhausted.

He reaches the edge...

...and peers over... reveal a sea of dead Runners, scattered like ragdolls on the turf below.

The wind howls as we see the magnitude of the cliff in the distance. FADE OUT TO CREDITS.