15-367/867: Algorithmic Textiles Design (Spring, 2025)

Fridays from 12:00-14:50 in Hunt Library Studio B (HL106C).

Instructor: Jim McCann. Office hours in the Textiles Lab (Wean 1334), Mondays 2-5pm; or by appointment. (I will also, generally, head to the lab after class.)
Class Piazza: https://piazza.com/cmu/spring2025/15367867.


Textile artifacts are -- quite literally -- all around us; from clothing to carpets to car seats. These items are often produced by sophisticated, computer-controlled fabrication machinery. In this course we will discuss everywhere code touches textiles fabrication, including design tools, simulators, and machine control languages. Students will work on a series of multi-week, open-ended projects, where they use code to create patterns for modern sewing/embroidery, weaving, and knitting machines; and fabricate these patterns in the textiles lab. Students in the 800-level version of the course will be required to create a final project which develops a new algorithm, device, or technique in the realm of textiles fabrication.

Students will work in person with textiles machines, and may develop machines of their own. Students may also work virtually with textiles.

Other versions: This course also appeared (with some variations) in Spring 2023; and, under its old course number (15-469A/869K) in Spring 2021, Spring 2020, and Spring 2019.


Familiarity with at least one programming language.


Students will be graded out of 60 points, divided as follows:

20Class Exercises / Participation

Feel free to use source code from others, as long as that code's license permits it and you give proper credit. Using the work of others without giving credit (even if they don't ask for credit) is plagiarism and will result in you failing the course.


This schedule is perpetually prone to adjustment.

1-17-2025 Course Overview Algorithms and fabrication KnittingKnit something by hand.Critique what you knit.
1-24-2025 Basic Knitout OperationsProgram a Knitout rectangle. Big ideas in Machine KnittingDiscuss Knitting Project ideas. Lab Tour (w/ AYAB demo from Tom Price)
1-31-2025 Before class: Puzzles -- knit/purl on tube; four layers of fabric Transfer Planning Tube Layouts and Gauge Mappings 2/3rds Gauge Dependencies and Slack Stitch Scheduling Research: Spacer Fabrics Research: Knit Tendons Research: Knitting simulation
2-7-2025 Critique: Knitting Project. Carrier kick-backs and knitting efficiency. Weaving IntroHand weaving with paper.
2-14-2025 Discuss weaving project ideasPaper heart weaving Drafting, double cloth Starting to build a RoboLoom
2-21-2025 Guest Lecture (Lea Albaugh): Improvisational Weaving Research: 3D WeavingWeaving Side Views Research: Yarn-Level Woven Cloth Simulation Research: Weavecraft
2-28-2025 Critique: weaving project. Sewing Intro Cut-and-sew, Embroidery, Quilting
3-7-2025 Spring Break; no class
3-14-2025 Discuss sewing project ideas Before Class: watch (the secret life of) sewing machines How Machines SewHand sewing (like a machine) CNC Sewing Data formats PEmbroider Machine demos
3-21-2025 Interfaces for single-line patterns and embroidery design Smocking (Digital 3D Smocking Design, Fabric Tessellation: Realizing Freeform Surfaces by Smocking) Stuffing Tensegrity Structures
3-28-2025 Critique: Sewing project.Final project brainstorming.
4-4-2025 Spring Carnival; no class
4-11-2025 Textiles Entrepreneurship (guest speaker: Pratyay Didwania / CEO of knit.fit)Discuss final project ideas.
4-18-2025 Autograding (for clothing) CT Scans and Rendering (cloth, yarn)
4-25-2025 Critique: Final project.
out 17 January Post Knitting Project inspiration in Piazza. (At least 3x pictures with URLs.) due before class,
24 January
out 24 January Work on Knitting Project. due before class,
7 February
out 7 February Post Weaving Project inspiration in Piazza. (At least 3x pictures with URLs.) due before class,
14 February
out 14 February Work on Weaving Project. due before class,
28 February
out 28 February Post Sewing Project inspiration in Piazza. (At least 3x pictures with URLs.) due before class,
14 March
out 14 March Sewing Project. due before class,
28 March
out 28 March Post Final Project inspiration in Piazza. (At least 3x pictures with URLs.) due before class,
11 April
out 11 April Final Project. due before class,
25 April