F Final Project

Out (+ proposals due): Monday, November 4th
Due: Friday, December 6th (end of day)

For your final project you will add a feature to the viewer you've developed so far, and perform a performance evaluation of this feature.

You may work in pairs. If you work in pairs you will to do a more extensive performance comparison (e.g., comparing three ways of implementing a feature instead of two).

You must propose your project (google form link in Zulip) before the final project's "out" date.

Pre-approved example projects are here. (You may just copy-paste these into the proposal form, though please indicate that this is what you've done.)

Scoring: the final project is worth 30 points, total. Thanks to a convenient and intentional construction, each "point" is worth exactly 1% of your final course grade. Points are allocated as follows: the proposal is worth 1 point; the implementation is worth 19 points; the evaluation is worth 10 points.

Points will be awarded for each section based on both the code and a report demonstrating and benchmarking the code. An incomplete report is the same as incomplete code.

Collaboration, Plagiarism, and Copyright

Reminder: this class takes a strict didactic, ethical, and legal view on copying code.

What to Turn In

If you are working with a partner, you should both turn in the same files. Make sure to indicate who you are working with in your report.

Turn in your code in /afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15472-s24-users/<andrewid>/F/. Your turn-in directory should include: