Real-Time Computer Graphics
Also known as 15-472/672/772.
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10:00-10:50 in Porter Hall A18C Posner Hall 146 during Fall 2024.
Taught by Jim McCann. Office hours after class in Smith 229 or by appointment.
With TA help from Ajax Shung. Office hours Mondays and Fridays, 11am-Noon in the graphics common area on the second floor of Smith Hall or by appointment.
Real-time computer graphics is about building systems that leverage modern CPUs and GPUs to produce detailed, interactive, immersive, and high-frame-rate imagery.
Students will build a state-of-the-art renderer using C++ and the Vulkan API.
Topics explored will include efficient data handling strategies;
culling and scene traversal;
multi-threaded rendering;
post-processing, depth of field, screen-space reflections;
volumetric rendering;
sample distribution, spatial and temporal sharing, and anti-aliasing;
stereo view synthesis;
physical simulation and collision detection;
dynamic lights and shadows;
global illumination, accelerated raytracing;
dynamic resolution, "AI" upsampling;
compute shaders;
parallax occlusion mapping;
tessellation, displacement;
skinning, transform feedback;
and debugging, profiling, and accelerating graphics algorithms.
Previous iterations: Spring'24
This course is based on four principles:
- Do Things for Reasons -- if you don't understand why you are doing something, look deeper. (Corr: if you don't understand why someone else is doing something, ask.)
- No Magic -- (as much as possible) avoid black boxes and needless helper libraries.
- Test and Improve -- make things efficient through real-world testing. (Corr: asymptotic complexity is not the only factor; constants matter in the real world.)
- Go Big -- push systems to their limits.
(Note: subject to revision based on class timing.)
Your grade in this course will be determined by four assignments that cumulatively build a high-performance real-time renderer (60%); a project that adds a state-of-the-art feature to that renderer (30%); and participation in in-class discussions and activities (10%).
Don't Copy and Don't Steal
You will write a lot of code in this class, and I require that you actually type this code.
(It is easy to copy-paste faster than you can think.)
You may use code from the internet,
but make sure the code is not covered by a license that prohibits copying (copyright violation -- illegal!),
be sure to include a comment citing your source (plagiarism -- immoral!),
and make sure it passes through your brain on its way to your fingers (e.g., "fix" the coding style, re-work awkward parts, look up and document parts you don't understand).
You may work together, but take extra care to not copy code.
Rule of thumb: if you are writing code, you should not be doing it where you can see your classmates' code.
- GOOD: re-writing a documentation example in your own coding style (including a comment + URL citing your source).
- BAD: copy-pasting a stackoverflow answer or code snippet from the documentation, then re-working it in place. (You must type the code you use.)
- GOOD: working with a classmate to develop a design, then writing the code separately (and including a comment crediting the discussion in your code).
- GOOD: helping a classmate to debug their code, being inspired by their approach, and -- with your classmate's permission and a citation comment -- using a similar idea in your code.
- BAD: using copilot. (You aren't typing and you aren't thinking.)
- BAD: ChatGPT and similar. (Just bad in general. A copyright [or at least plagiarism] laundry.)
- GOOD: copy-pasting code you already wrote for this class.
- DISCOURAGED (but not forbidden): using autocomplete / codesense.
This course does not have a textbook; but you will likely find the following web resources helpful:
See also: occasional "extra readings" links in sections below.
(Perpetually subject to revision -- and, at present, still very much a draft!)
Real-Time Graphics
Monday, August 26th
What it means to be real-time and general techniques for getting there.
- M Aug 26
- Course Overview; Core Principles
- Interactive, Real-Time, and Beyond
- Vulkan Intro
- Building the tutorial code
- Javascript, maybe
- A0a For next class -- Vulkan Tutorial Pt1
Vulkan's view of GPUs
Wednesday, August 28th
-Friday, September 13th
How we get pixels onto the screen quickly. From attributes to framebuffers.
- W Aug 28
- Command Buffers
- Render Passes
- Background Shader
- Push Constants
- Pipeline Creation
- A0a For next class -- Vulkan Tutorial Pt2
- F Aug 30
- Lines Shader
- Memory Types
- Memory Transfers
- Vertex Buffers
- A0a For next class -- Finish Vulkan Tutorial
- M Sep 2: No Class / Labor Day
- W Sep 4
- Transform Matrices
- Descriptors
- Uniform Buffers
- F Sep 6
- Objects Shader
- Storage Buffers
- M Sep 9
- Swapchains and synchronization
- Headless mode
- Just initialization things
- W Sep 11
- Vulkan Tutorial Wrap-Up
- Build systems
- F Sep 13
- S72 intro
- Tutorial improvements
- Benchmarking
Data Wrangling
Monday, September 16th
-Friday, September 20th
Getting data into our renderer.
- M Sep 16
- Scene graphs
- Instancing
- A1 statement walkthrough
- A1 Scene Viewer out
- W Sep 18
- Data inflation: subdivision surfaces
- Sub-polygon detail: textures, normals, displacements
- Mesh compression?
- Texture compression
- F Sep 20
- least squares vertex baking(?)
- Creating (and finding) Bottlenecks
- Export scripts
Culling and Occlusion
Monday, September 23rd
-Friday, September 27th
What you don't render can't slow you down.
- M Sep 23
- RAII + Vulkan
- (Jim Travelling)
- W Sep 25
- Bottlenecks
- Frustum culling
- Portal rendering
- Occlusion queries
- Geometry images
- F Sep 27
- A2 introduction
Monday, September 30th
-Friday, October 4th
Matching the real world, or doing better.
- M Sep 30
- A1 code share
- detail with textures
- antialiasing
- W Oct 2
- physical materials
- approximations and ground truth
- precomputation
- F Oct 4
- procedural materials
- material capture
- A1 Scene Viewer due (end of day)
- A2 Materials out
Monday, October 7th
Primaries, white points, and encodings oh my.
- M Oct 7
- color spaces
- demo: P3 vs sRGB primaries
- demo: HDR
Going Big
Wednesday, October 9th
-Friday, October 18th
Moving beyond what can fit in GPU memory.
- W Oct 9
- Terrains
- LOD streaming
- F Oct 11
- Mega-textures
- M Oct 14: Fall Break
- W Oct 16: Fall Break
- F Oct 18: Fall Break
Direct Lighting
Sunday, October 20th
-Wednesday, October 23rd
The first bounce of lighting is always the brightest.
- U Oct 20
- A2 Materials due (end of day)
- M Oct 21
- sphere, spot, and sun lights
- lambertian contribution from a spherical area light
- the "representative point" approximation
- A3 introduction
- A3 Lights out
- W Oct 23
- light loops
- light sorting
Friday, October 25th
-Wednesday, November 6th
Solving the visibility problem.
- F Oct 25
- shadow maps
- cubic shadow maps
- M Oct 28
- percentage-closer filtering
- soft shadows with PCSS
- W Oct 30
- F Nov 1
- A3 Lights due (end of day)
- F Final Project topic selection
- M Nov 4
- F Final Project out
- W Nov 6
- screen-space reflections
Volume Rendering
Friday, November 8th
-Wednesday, November 13th
Clouds, medical data, and fire.
- F Nov 8
- Nubus3
- M Nov 11
- Nubus3 (continued)
- raymarching smoke and clouds
- screen-space surfacing for liquids
- W Nov 13: No Class: Jim at FMitF PI Meeting
Real-time Raytracing
Friday, November 15th
Just brute-forcing the lighting.
- F Nov 15
- raytracing in Vulkan
- sample sharing
- order-independent transparency
Monday, November 18th
Fixing the pixels later.
- M Nov 18
- "scatter as gather"
- motion blur (a bit)
- bokeh
Rendering for VR
Wednesday, November 20th
The upsides and downsides of virtual reality.
- W Nov 20
- OpenXR APIs
- lens correction
- reprojection
Friday, November 22nd
Making things move without keyframes.
- F Nov 22
- Eulerian vs Lagrangian
- shallow-wave equations
- grid-based smoke
- particle-based smoke
- particle-based fluid
- particle-based solids
Skinning and Animation
Monday, November 25th
-Friday, December 6th
Making meshes flexible.
- M Nov 25
- dual-quaternion skinning
- Skinned Mesh Animation
- W Nov 27: Thanksgiving Break
- F Nov 29: Thanksgiving Break
- M Dec 2
- Jim at SA2024
- W Dec 4
- Jim at SA2024
- F Dec 6
- Jim at SA2024
- F Final Project due (end of day)