Game6: Multiplayer

Game6 challenges you to build a multiplayer game with a client-server architecture.

Your goal is to start with a fork of the game6 base code and develop a new game which features client-server multiplayer.

What You Need To Do

(More on game scoring.)

How To Do It

The challenge of this assignment is in figuring out what the state the server should hold and update and how the clients and server should communicate.

  1. Fork the base6 code as a starting point.
  2. Refer to the Networking lesson for high-level guidance.
  3. Refer to the server.cpp and PlayMode.cpp code for basic usage of the Connection.hpp/Connection.cpp code. (Feel free to replace / re-write Connection if you want, but keep cross-OS compatibility in mind.)
  4. Fill in the missing sections in to document your project; replace screenshot.png with a screenshot of your game. (The base code is already set up to capture a screenshot whenever you press the PrintScreen key.)
  5. Turn in the game using the form linked above.