Game5: Walking Simulator

Game5 is about building a game that uses a WalkMesh to allow a player to navigate a Scene.

NOTE: The phone-bank.blend-derived scene/walkmesh assets are included for testing. You may not use them in your game.

Your goal is to start with a fork of the game5 base code and develop a new game which involves moving around a Scene using a WalkMesh.

I say "move" rather than "walk" since games that allow the player's avatar to slide, hover, roll, or otherwise move on the surface of a mesh are all okay, as long as their positions are constrained by a 2D manifold of valid positions.

What You Need To Do

(More on game scoring.)

How To Do It

The challenge of this assignment is in finishing the implementation of the WalkMesh class and in actually building a game.

  1. Fork the base5 code as a starting point.
  2. Refer to the WalkMesh lesson for guidance [and debug visualizations] related to filling the in the missing walkmesh code.
  3. Create a new scene and author a new walkmesh for it. (Or, at least, substantially modify the phone-bank.blend scene.)
  4. Fill in the missing sections in to document your project; replace screenshot.png with a screenshot of your game. (The base code is already set up to capture a screenshot whenever you press the PrintScreen key.)
  5. Turn in the game using the form linked above.