Game3: Require Sound

Game3 adds a runtime for sound to the game2 base code and asks you to use (and -- if you need to -- modify) it to get familiar with adding sounds to a game.

Your goal is to start with a fork of the game3 base code and develop a new game which requires sound to play well.

Special note: no credit given for "fly around to find the location of the sound" games. It's too close to the base code.

I say "requires sound to play well" because I want to include games -- like rhythm games -- that can be played (poorly) without sound.

You must make sounds (and other assets) for your game yourself. You can, for example, record them with a voice-memos app on your phone or synthesize them with your own code or others'.

What You Need To Do

(More on game scoring.)

How To Do It

The challenge of this assignment is understanding the sound code I've given you and using it to actually build a game.

  1. Fork the base3 code as a starting point.
  2. Read the Sound header and source to understand how the really basic sound system in the base code works.
  3. Read/run the PlayMode code to see how one might use Sound in conjunction with a Scene.
  4. Actually implement a game (the starter code is a graphical/audio demo).
  5. To make a game, you'll need some assets. Make 'em yourself!
  6. Fill in the missing sections in to document your project; replace screenshot.png with a screenshot of your game. (The base code is already set up to capture a screenshot whenever you press the PrintScreen key.)
  7. Turn in the game using the form linked above.