Image-Based Lighting

One can do complex environment lighting by precomputing lookup tables.

Recall: The Light Loop

surface patch and a few lights
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
vec3 n = get_normal();
vec3 v = to_eye();
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
	vec3 l = LIGHTS[i].to_light();
	vec3 e = LIGHTS[i].energy();
	//f depends on material
	color += f(n,l,v)*e;
gl_FragColor = color;
\[ color \equiv \sum_{l=0}^2 f(\omega_l, v) e_l \]

Recall that our current game code runs a loop over all lights.

Problem: Many Lights

surface patch and many lights
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
vec3 n = get_normal();
vec3 v = to_eye();
for (uint i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
	vec3 l = LIGHTS[i].to_light();
	vec3 e = LIGHTS[i].energy();
	//f depends on material
	color += f(n,l,v)*e;
gl_FragColor = color;
\[ color \equiv \sum_{l=0}^{999} f(\omega_l, v) e_l \]

This model runs into trouble when there are many lights.

surface patch and many lights

Unfortunately, lots of lights is the common case when doing realistic lighting, since anything you can see is a source of light.

A Simplification(?)

surface patch and many lights

Sum over lights: \[ \sum_l f(\omega_l, v) e_l \]

a continuous lighting environment

Integral over directions: \[ \int_\omega f(\omega, v) e_\omega \]

Instead of summing lights, we could integrate over a lighting environment which records the incoming light from every direction.

\[ \int_\omega f(\omega, v) e_\omega = \]

\[ \langle \]

\[ , \]

\[ \rangle \]

//some arbitrary function:
float brdf(vec3 n, vec3 l, vec3 v) {
	return 0.4*(sin(l.x*7.0)+cos(l.y*3.0));

This doesn't seem simpler.
But if we expand \(f\), there might yet be hope...

\[ \int_\omega f_{\textrm{mirror}}(\omega, v) e_\omega = e_{r} = \]

\[ [r] \]

E.g. for a mirror, only depends in \(r\) (reflection direction).

\[ \int_\omega f_{\textrm{lambert}}(\omega, v) e_\omega = \int_\omega (n\cdot\omega) e_\omega = \]

\[ \langle \]

\[ , \]

\[ \rangle = \]

\[ [n] \]

//Lambertian diffuse:
float brdf(vec3 n, vec3 l, vec3 v) {
	return max(0.0,dot(n,l));

E.g. for Lambertian diffuse shading, only depends on \(n\).
(Don't read the math too closely on this slide.)

\[ \int_\omega f_{\textrm{spec}}(\omega, v) e_\omega = \]

\[ \langle \]

\[ , \]

\[ \rangle \approx \]

\[ [r] \]

//Physically-inspired Blinn-Phong:
float brdf(vec3 n, vec3 l, vec3 v) {
	float ROUGHNESS = 0.2;
	float shininess = pow(1024.0, 1.0 - ROUGHNESS);
	vec3 h = normalize(l+v);
	return pow(max(0.0, dot(n, h)), shininess) //Blinn-Phong Specular
		   * (shininess + 2.0) / (8.0) //normalization factor
		   * 0.04;

E.g. for a glossy surface, only depends on reflection direction + roughness.
Standard hack: use mip-maps for roughness levels.

Strategy Overview

\[ \int_\omega f_{\textrm{mat}}(\omega, v) e_\omega = c_0\textrm{diffuse}(n) + c_1\textrm{specular}(r,roughness) \]

So, for a generic physically-inspired material, we can decompose this integral into a diffuse lookup based on the face normal direction and a specular lookup based on the reflected view direction.

Code Details

Asset Pipeline: compute specular, diffuse, etc...

Distribution: \( 2^{E} \frac{(R+0.5,G+0.5,B+0,5)}{256} \) color storage

Runtime: cubemap lookups; tone-mapping

One More Fix

a continuous lighting environment
many continuous lighting environments as light probes

So far, we've treated the lighting environment like it is infinitely far away.
This neglects parallax effects between objects. We can fix this to some extent with light probes -- lighting environments stored throughout our game world.
