One can do complex environment lighting by precomputing lookup tables.
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
vec3 n = get_normal();
vec3 v = to_eye();
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
vec3 l = LIGHTS[i].to_light();
vec3 e = LIGHTS[i].energy();
//f depends on material
color += f(n,l,v)*e;
gl_FragColor = color;
Recall that our current game code runs a loop over all lights.
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
vec3 n = get_normal();
vec3 v = to_eye();
for (uint i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
vec3 l = LIGHTS[i].to_light();
vec3 e = LIGHTS[i].energy();
//f depends on material
color += f(n,l,v)*e;
gl_FragColor = color;
This model runs into trouble when there are many lights.
Unfortunately, lots of lights is the common case when doing realistic lighting, since anything you can see is a source of light.
Sum over lights: \[ \sum_l f(\omega_l, v) e_l \]
Integral over directions: \[ \int_\omega f(\omega, v) e_\omega \]
Instead of summing lights, we could integrate over a lighting environment which records the incoming light from every direction.
\[ \int_\omega f(\omega, v) e_\omega = \]
\[ \langle \]
\[ , \]
\[ \rangle \]
This doesn't seem simpler. But if we expand \(f\), there might yet be hope...
\[ \int_\omega f_{\textrm{mirror}}(\omega, v) e_\omega = e_{r} = \]
\[ [r] \]
E.g. for a mirror, only depends in \(r\) (reflection direction).
\[ \int_\omega f_{\textrm{lambert}}(\omega, v) e_\omega = \int_\omega (n\cdot\omega) e_\omega = \]
\[ \langle \]
\[ , \]
\[ \rangle = \]
\[ [n] \]
E.g. for Lambertian diffuse shading, only depends on \(n\).
(Don't read the math too closely on this slide.)
\[ \int_\omega f_{\textrm{spec}}(\omega, v) e_\omega = \]
\[ \langle \]
\[ , \]
\[ \rangle \approx \]
\[ [r] \]
E.g. for a glossy surface, only depends on reflection direction + roughness.
Standard hack: use mip-maps for roughness levels.
\[ \int_\omega f_{\textrm{mat}}(\omega, v) e_\omega = c_0\textrm{diffuse}(n) + c_1\textrm{specular}(r,roughness) \]
So, for a generic physically-inspired material, we can decompose this integral into a diffuse lookup based on the face normal direction and a specular lookup based on the reflected view direction.
Asset Pipeline: compute specular, diffuse, etc...
Distribution: \( 2^{E} \frac{(R+0.5,G+0.5,B+0,5)}{256} \) color storage
Runtime: cubemap lookups; tone-mapping
So far, we've treated the lighting environment like it is infinitely far away. This neglects parallax effects between objects. We can fix this to some extent with light probes -- lighting environments stored throughout our game world.