
by: Yen-Hsiang Huang(yenhsiah)

Two squirrels competing on a slippery and unstable ice brick for "the acorn".

The two squirrels live on this ice brick at the end of ice age. The acorn appears and the squirrels should, driven by nature, rush to the acorn. The ice brick is slippery and it tilts if the load is unbalanced.


Two squirrels are placed at the ends of the brick at the beginning. To win the game, the player needs to stay on the brick or eat 10 acorns. The acorn appears at random place/time and gives you the unslippery power for 5 seconds. Players can move by pressing WASD keys. But be careful, the brick tilts when the load is unbalanced. You (and your enemy) might fall and lose the game. Survive the tough age! Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself.


This is the acorn. I didn't find a suitable asset for ice platform because most of them are not free. It's fine. Ice platform can be replaced by a square platform, which is much easier to implement.