MC Esher's Mobius Memory Meltdown

A Memory game played on a mobius strip with movement, musical notes and portals

The player walks around the mobius strip and activates colored switches. Like a Simon game or Bop-it, the chain of commands order is presented first, then the player has to repeat it back by hitting the right switches. The switches will have some type of musical note associated with it, so you can play a preprogrammed song by getting the chain right. There will be four regions, each colored differently (like 4 different terrains on the mobius strip) and each with its own colored switch. To help facilitate movement, portals appear in some of the regions to allow for teleportation to another location. To make the game more challenging, the regions, buttons and portals will occasionally shuffle. The mobius strip may also move and rotate.


Game start: Player is dropped in a set location and the first chain's element is presented. They can then walk around with the arrow keys and can press a switch by pressing Enter

After entering the correct sequence, the sequence is presented again with one more element added until the chain is completed.

Game end: Every time the player makes a mistake, they will receive a strike and the chain will be presented again. 3 strikes = Game Over.

In between sequences, random events may occur. The regions, buttons and portals may shuffle. The mobius strip may also move around.


Maybe some nice background music. Also, when switches are pressed/order presented, a set musical note/sound (unique to the switch) will be played.


No time to make assets rip. Mobius strips are hard to make.