
by: Cal Lavicka (clavicka)

Walk around and find the switches to shutdown an artificial intelligence, all while avoiding its scouts.

The game is located on a series of interconnecting floating platforms, with elevation changes and multiple levels. You must walk around in first person to find the switches at the end of the platforms. If one of the scouts catches you, however, it's game over.


START: The game starts by placing you on the center of a sprawling series of platforms. This map can be either hand-crafted, or randomly generated each round. At the ends of the map, there are a bunch of buttons, probably about 4-6, depending on the difficulty. There is also initially one enemy placed in the map, with more spawning as more switches are turned off.

CONTROLS: You are in first-person mode, and use WASD to move your character and the mouse to look around. Hitting space while close to a switch turns the switch off. If you disable all switches, you win. If one of the scouts touches you, you lose.

The scouts fly around in straight, axis-aligned directions, loosely following the player. They make an audible sound when they are close so the player is alerted and can avoid them.


MODELS: Some sample assets are provided in assets.blend. The first layer contains a backdrop, layer 2 contains a platform mesh (arranged in a sample layout), along with a button mesh. Layer 3 contains a sample enemy design. The platform mesh can be arranged with ups and downs like so:

SOUND: This drone can be looped to signify where an enemy is.