A turn-based, grid-based puzzle game about slaying goblins in a dungeon.
The game takes place on a 6 by 6 tile grid populated with one player and several goblins. The player moves between tiles using the arrow keys, and can attack with the spacebar. Goblins move towards the player after the player moves or attacks, and the player must slay all the goblins and avoid being slain themselves.
Start: Levels are generated by stepping backward from a solved board. The player starts in a random central location, and moves in reverse by one space per turn. Each turn, a goblin has a chance to be created where the player is facing (if it is a valid empty space), causing the player not to move that turn. All existing goblins move away from the player in a random available direction. If a goblin is stuck and cannot move further from the player, the level generation completes and the gameplay begins. (Forcing the goblins to move each turn ensures the level is possible, since when the level is played non-reversed, those goblins would move toward the player immediately.)
Movement: Movement happens in turns. Each turn, the player can attack (see Combat) or move one space. They can move up, down, left, or right on the 6 by 6 grid, constrained by walls, using the arrow keys. The player then faces in the direction that they moved (so a move up will leave the player facing towards the top of the screen). After the player attacks or moves, the goblins all move by one space. They try to move closer to the player, stepping up, down, left, or right to close the distance. Goblins cannot share a grid space.
Combat: If the player presses space, they perform an attack move. If there is an adjacent goblin on the tile they are facing, that goblin is slain and becomes a harmless pile of bones. If there is no goblin on that tile, they do not hit anything. Attacking takes a turn, so all goblins move by one space regardless of whether the player hit anything or not.
If a goblin moves onto the player's tile or vice versa, the player is slain, and the level restarts.
Finish: If the player slays all goblins in a level, the level is won, and a new level is generated. Levels continue indefinitely until the user quits.
Animated Warrior by Calciumtrice, usable under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license: https://opengameart.org/content/animated-warrior
Animated Goblins by Calciumtrice, usable under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license: https://opengameart.org/content/animated-goblins
Dungeon tileset by Calciumtrice, usable under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license: https://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-tileset-1