Like Marble Labyrinth ,but players must tilt the stage to navigate while avoiding security guards.
This game is played on an level like the one drawn above. Levels will contain: a player, a goal, walls, and one or more security guards. The player will use the arrow keys to tilt the level, causing the player to roll in the direction of the tilt. If the player reaches the goal, then a they are dropped into a new level. However if they get caught inside the guard's vision, then they must resart the level from the beginning.
Start: at the start of the level, the player is placed at a predetermined start position. Guards are also placed at predetermined start positions.
Movement: The player moves by tilting the level using the arrow keys. The level can tilt both left, right, up and down. Below, only a rightward tilt is drawn.
Guards: Guards move in preset patterns around the level. They are unaffected by changes in level tilt. The cone in front of them represents their field of view. If the player intersects with this code, then they will have to restart from the level's starting point
Finish: When the player reaches the goal door, the level is complete and they will be placed on the next level.
Meshes are provided in the TiltEscapeAssets.blend file