Pong, but the player plays on a circular track and must make sure that the ball avoids obstacles.
This game is a variation on the classic Pong. As in Pong, the player controls a moving paddle that can move back and forth along a track. In classical Pong, this track was a vertical line on the side of the screen -- but in this game, the track is a circle. This means that the player must juggle the ball around obstacles while constantly ensuring it does not leave the play area.
Start: The game begins with the ball and paddle both stationary. The paddle is located in the 12:00 position and the ball is in the center of the play area. The game prompts the player to press Q or E (the movement keys) to begin. As soon as one of the movement keys are pressed, the ball will immediately launch in a random direction and the game begins.
Movement: The player can move by pressing the Q key to move counterclockwise or the E key to move clockwise.
Obstacles: Throughout the game obstacles such will randomly spawn throughout the play area. If the ball hits any of these obstacles, bad things will happen to the player. A bomb will end the game when hit, and a skull will deduct one point. Bonus coins will also be added that add one point upon collection. Care must be taken so that objects do not spawn in between the ball and paddle (thus making them impossible to avoid). Obstacles and bonuses despawn after a set time interval.
Scoring: The player's score increases by one each time they hit the ball and each time they receive a bonus. The player's score decreases when they hit an obstacle. The score may not go below zero.
Finish: If the ball exits the play area (i.e. the player misses) or if the ball touches a bomb, the game ends. When this happens the player's score is displayed and, after a delay, the game reverts to the state described above in Start.
Kenney's Puzzle Pack 2 is a great resource for abstract primitives for the paddle and some collectibles. Preview below: