Title: Carcassonne Lite

Designer: Jordan Tick

Carcassonne is a boardgame in which the board starts off as 1 starting tile, then users take turns placing 71 additional tiles (shown above) adjacent to the current board to form a map (shown below). Unfortunately, the top left image is NOT creative commons, so I drew my own on the top right that you can use (I'm not an artist). The blue tile is just if you want a placeholder tile. Notice that, with our rules, there are a few redundant tiles which I did not redraw.

The tiles can have grass, parts of castles, or roads on them. In our lite version, we'll say you only get points if you are the person who A) places a church or B) puts down a tile that completes a castle! If you look below, a castle is completed if it is completely enclosed by walls.

(notice that the 4-way crossroads tile to the right is incorrectly positioned because the road connects to a grass tile)

The bare minimum: write a turn-based game where each turn you are given one of the remaining tiles. You can rotate this tile and choose where it goes on the board (which must be adjacent to another tile). The game ends when you run out of tiles.

Adding validity: Tiles have four sides. A side can be grass, road, or castle. In order to add a piece to the board, whichever sides you connect to must be matching the tile you wish to add.

Adding Scoring: This is algorithmically difficult and should be considered optional. For the sake of Carcassonne Lite, a church is worth two points and, when you complete a castle, the number of tiles that make up that castle is the number of points you receive. A castle is considered complete when enclosed on all sides by fences, AKA a castle is considered complete if you flood-fill outwards and never reach an opening.

Cool possible extensions:
*Program the choice of 2-4 players
*Tint a completed castle/church to reflect which player completed it
*Actively display scores on screen
*Highlight areas where current tile could be placed