Game1: Trade Town

"Trade Town" is a short game about trading up.


The player controls the position of the main character with the arrow keys. When the main character reaches the edge of the screen, the screen transitions to the adjacent screen (if it exists). If the main character is standing near a trader (castle, fountain, sheep, merchant, or guru), the trader is highlighted and a trade window appears. If the player presses 'z' and has the proper item, the trade is executed.


The player may hold one item at once. The items (from left to right) are nothing, coin, empty jar, full jar, key, and crown. The player starts with nothing.


The world is divided into five screens: the center (center), castle (east), grove (west), pasture (north), and river (south).


Each screen contains one trader.

At the center, the fountain will give the player a coin for nothing.

At the river, the merchant will trade an empty jar for a coin.

At the pasture, the sheep will trade a full jar for an empty jar.

At the grove, the guru will trade a key for a full jar.

At the castle, the castle will trade a crown for a key.



Sprites + Font:

Note that the player and traders have animation frames.