Metal Detector Treasure Hunt

Metal Dector Treasure hunt is a game designed by Tom Lewkowitz using some starting code based on Jim McCann's nest and kitten loss code and Tom Lewkowitz's previous game of Grandma's Walk. It uses code also found on Using SDL: Sound It also uses certain images found on the web: ( one, two). In addition two sound clips found on the web: ( beep , Cash Register Sound).


I wanted to write a game where the user feels like they are using a metal detector on a beach to find something of value. I would do this only through the use of sound. I was inspired to simulate the beeping of a metal detector.


I first created a visual gameplay where I could test out gameplay. Then I simply created a "beeping algorithm" which used a grid of numbers which were used to change the looping of a soothing beep sound. Lastly I added textures to give the game more visual appeal. The user controls a man with the arrow keys and then when the beeping is at its fastest they hit the space bar to collect their treasure.


I thought this game was very novel in the aspect that it was absolutly impossible to navigate the textured board without sound. The user MUST use sound to sense if they are closer to a treasure.


I was extremely happy with my results. This game was a huge improvement of my previous Grandma's Walk. I was very glad with the cleanliness of the "beeping algorithm" and how the game plays out. The game could use some motivation to play though. Some sort of timer or high score to collect as much treasure in a time limit would be fun additions for the future. I would also like to make my man more animated by changing which way he faced depending on the direction he would go. Overall, the game accomplished my goal of creating a metal detecting game that relied solely on sound.