
Your goal in playing SubTunnel is to navigate your way out of an underwater cavern using only sonar pings reflected off the walls. I used the ping sound from which is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 licence.

Use the make script to compile. Press SPACE to figure out what's going on.


My goal was to create some kind of game where you could navigate using echolocation of some sort.


I initially wanted to do something more accurate for the sound, taking into account that the sound must originate from the observer and bounce off objects from that point. However, with the limited time I arrived upon the simplified model present in the game. This model is sufficient that I have been able to complete several games successfully.


I have not previously played a game where you navigate using echolocation.


This game does achieve my basic goal, though I would have liked more accurately rendered echos. Given that OpenAL has absolutely no trouble handling the 14 simultaneous echos with spacial location and doppler shift, I think that it would be computationally feasable to implement a more accurate effect. What I have in mind, at a very high level, is something like raytracing for sound.