
Sentinel is a game written by Jon Miller with help from Zeyang Li, featuring a couple commonly available images, some of which I edited ( 1, 2 ).


Thus being my first experience with 3D, cameras, and basically everything that wasn't drawing triangles on a flat surface, I worked hard to set up a camera and a basic 3D environment. Eventually I managed to build a sparse FPS like environment, where one could move around and ponder the vast emptiness. Using this as a starting point, I tried to make a game whose driving mechanic was looking at things. I decided to set up Sentinel, something which must continuously monitor 4 cameras. The game is unique in that you must multitask to gain points as quickly as possible.


If the player is looking at 'citizen,' that camera's bar will rise. If the bar becomes full, the player receives a point. The catch is that there are four cameras.


The novelty of the game lies in the fact that there are four cameras. Yes, I cannot stress this enough. Truly great times we live in, people.


I spent over forty hours making this game. Most of it was reading tutorials and trying to implement them. I decided to start from scratch instead of using nest as well, so that I would have a better understanding of openGL's mechanics. I am very surprised that I made it as far as I did. Each week has had such a steep learning curve for me that I simply run out of time to make a good game, but hopefully by later in the semester I will be able to better put my ideas into code. As for the game, I am happy I managed to complete it. I think with a few more hours of effort, I could make the game a lot better, but unfortunately I am all out of time.

This is a haiku
Now give me my small reward
See you on Tuesday