Retro Popup

Retro Popup, a game for the Weekly Assignment #1 by Ilya Gershgorin, featuring a explosion picture taken from Kevin Li, the opening screen image with popups from and the happy and sad computers from Microsoft's base image library for office.


I wanted to create a game that allowed players to experience what is no longer a part of our daily life -- closing popups. The premise of the game would be that your popup blocker has been disabled and you are getting an onslaught of popups.


My method was fairly simple. I created a game that would reward a user for closing the popups properly and doing so in a string while punishing them if they clicked incorrectly with even more popups.


The novelty in the game is that it's a popup killer. While at its core its almost a "click and shoot" type game, popups can appear right where you were about to close them -- penalizing you instead of rewarding you.


The resulting game is essentially what I wanted it to be. It allows the user to experience the pain of being assaulted by tons of popups while adding a few fun gameplay mechanics such as the chain and explosion that results from a good chain. One tiny bug with the exposion is that popups that spawn after the explosion vanish while it's up.

One thing that would be nice is to add a couple of other powerups such as multiple mice (you control one mouse and the others click some set distance away and misclicks with those would not be penalized) that would broaden the experience.