
Nodular, a game for the 'Camera' assignment by Xiaoyuan Jiang.


I wanted to make a cool shooter game where you orbit around a nodual sphere that sprout recursively sprouting nodules and attempt to stop it by shooting it. It was too complicated. Then I remembered a commercial for this 90's plastic toy game that was this round thing with six nodes that you had to do stuff with. I decided to make a game around something that looked like that. You're this planet thing with station nodes on the sides. You have to spin to the node of the bg color, or you're screwed and your planet explodes from the core.


I used Processing because the framework makes programming stuff like 3d easier.

I also made it speed up as you progressed. Controls: Mouseclick to start. Arrow keys to spin.


Bop it. Flick it. Pull it! Twist it. Spin it! ... The novelty is that not many people of making a game like this. The gameplay style is very minimal. You just use arrow keys to rotate the thing so that you collide with the stations.


But it is a game with a goal and increasing difficulty. You have less and less time before the planet explodes.
