Net Fights - rsaris and ptr

This game is centered around a rocks paper scissors style game play. You and your opponent first choose your fighter and attack, then you battle.


We wanted to create a game which was similar in style to RPS but had different options which would allow for different play styles. We wanted to see what could be done with the different match ups and different numbers of options.


First came the networking code. We did a simple TCP connection ( to configure, run one instance as the "server" by just running the program, then run the other as ./net_fights {IP Address String ( in dot notation )} ). From there we made it so that you can choose what player you want to send and what attack you want to use. There are different weaknesses and strengths within the game. When one character is strong against another character and uses it's special attack, it will win. When a stronger character uses its neutral power, it will tie against someone using their neutral ability and win against someone using a special ability. Each player is given 10 points and each round takes one point from the loser ( ties don't take any points ). Who ever reaches 0 first loses.


This game gives an interesting twist to the standard RPS game. We wanted to change the odds while still leaving in the possibility of tying. We wanted to experiment with the ability to change the odds of the game and the matchups within. We wanted to experiment with a game where both players have the same options and the only way to get more information is to study the opposing player.


This game succeeded in making a game which bends the rules of RPS but has a slightly different feel. We were able to put the framework down for an interesting game. The different options give for a new twist on an old game and could be tweaked further with different versions to look into what makes for a better experience. There is a lot that could be looked into further in this game. More could be invested into finding new set ups ( eg: more characters and more attacks per character ). It would be interesting to invest more time changing and tweaking this game to further look into the idea of a game where each move has the same probability of winning as losing.