
Hatchling, a game for the sound assignment for Gregory Pitts, with small bits of code taken from Professor McCann's nest library. Sounds taken from http://www.losthatch.com/soundeffects.aspx. Also, the audio code is based off a website provided by professor Sounds taken from http://www.losthatch.com/soundeffects.aspx. Also, the audio code is based off a website provided by professor mccann, http://www.libsdl.org/intro.en/usingsound.html. In case someone is not a lost fan, the number sequence is 4 8 15 16 23 42.


This game started out because I was thinking about my favorite TV show, lost. The point of the game is to measure your mouse clicking and vision ability. You must click on the right sequence of numbers within a certain amount of milliseconds of the beeping timer. If you do not click close enough to the timer, the world comes closer to doom. therefore, sound is required in this game because you cannot know when to click unless you have the audio cues from the program. If you miss once, you get a chance but the timer becomes louder and more stressful. miss again in that sequence and game over. you only get one chance because the world ends...no restarts.


Created structures to hold the balls. then i had to learn how to use the text libraries and vector libraries. the balls have a vector position and a directional position which are randomly assigned at the beginning. when they hit a wall they will bounce at the same angle the other way. this is done by just not letting the x/y values go over the limit of the box - radius of the ball. i tried to use openAL but the machine was telling my my sound device was in use so i had to use SDL. the i made a callback function to callback at certain times and the mouse callback checks to make sure you are clicking at the right time.


This is different from the hatch in the show because the hatch is just a keyboard you type the sequence in. here, it is actually pretty challenging to get the entire sequence and move on. also, in the show they do not have to time it up with the sound but in this game you do. the show's beeping noise means you only have a couple minutes left to enter the code. it is called hatchling because a desktop computer it is a mini version of the all the equipment in the hatch from lost. also, not putting the correct sequence leads to a much smaller catastrophe then it did in the show.


I likes this game because it challenging and i love the tv show. hearing the sound effects and playing along is fun for me. As opposed to the last game, I made exactly what I had in mind when I came into the cluster.
it would be neat if i made collisions between the circles, but that would have been tough to calculate that they bounce at. also, it could use a reset button but if you can just reset there is essentially no penalty for missing. plus, it makes you hear the end sound which is what happened when the hatch inploded in the tv show.
also, you can kind of cheat by just clicking as fast as you can. I left this in in case someone was really bad and just wanted to see how long they could click on the circles (still actually kind of difficult)/