
Entourage, a game for the 'client-server' assignment by Evan Mullinix and Kevin Li, code help from the C++ reference, kitten loss and the example maze client, and many unliscenced images stolen from Warcraft plus a map stolen from Zelda.


We wanted to build a game where you could feel awesome by controlling a huge army on the screen and sending huge waves of projectiles at enemies.


We started out by writing a server that would control the flow of the game and determine the protocol that the clients and server would use to communicate. Then we wrote the clients to handle the  server queries, respond when the server asked for info and draw the state information that the server sent to it. We added some final touches like butterfrees that give you money to make the game go faster and turned the enemy guy into a big scary monster to make the user want to defeat him more.


Our game is based tactics game based on Euclidean distance istead of a matrix of character spaces. It is trying to create the feel given in Half Minute Hero where when your character moves on the screen a giant army follows them so you feel really badass.


It was more difficult than we expected to create a good feel with a turn based game. It's kind of hard to tell what is going on in terms of attacking because we don't have health or attack animations on the client side but you can generally tell if you're dominating them by the relative size of your army.

We succeed in the main goal which was to allow you to control a huge army and all the game mechanics that we set out to create work successfully. In that sense, the game is fullly playable and you can win and lose. It just doesn't look as nice as we'd like it to.