Detective Test: You are taking a exam as a detective with a torch in the dark. Find a different or special thing in a scene, as soon as possible.So get as more as points to pass the exam. Goal: To let players experience the detetive's test. Focus and rely on their logic to find different. Also, smaller and smaller flash light view will make challenge to them. Method: 1.User use flash-light view to find the different part of images. 2.When user find out and click the right thing, score will go up, also the flash-light scale will be larger. 3.The flash-light will be smaller and smaller as time passed by untill game over. Novelty: 1.Not like traditional find the "difference style game", I designed the game to let user find difference in a picture, but not two similar pictures. 2.User need to use his/her logic the find the different or special part of the scene. 3.The flash-light view desing increase the diffcultity of the game, forcing the player to remember what he saw. Just like real detectives. Results: 1. I made 5 simple stages becasue of time limitation. I also made a tutorial picture to show how to play the game. 2. It is cool to play. I don't have many players tested it, so maybe it is too hard or simple. But it is prety simple to ajust the difficulty. 3. Players will focuse on the game once it starts, they may get nervoused when flash view becomes smaller and smaller. 4. No time for adding sounds, a little bit pitty.