Blind Frogger

Blind Frogger, a game for the 'requires sound' assignment by Ilya Gershgorin, featuring some creative-commons-licensed pictures from various sites reached by image search.


I wanted to create a game of Frogger where the player could not see where he was going but would have to rely on sound to determine if he or she should move forward (or even backward if necessary).


The basics are the same as regular frogger: you move around with the arrows and try to get to the end. However, you can only see your row and below. Thus, in order to play, the player must listen to the sound that the row above is making and determine when to move based on that. The row above makes attenuated sound based on where the logs or cars are in relation to frogger.


While at its heart, this game is just Frogger, the way you determine where to move is fundamentally changed. It is now based on sound as opposed to sight.


The result is essentially what I expected from this game. The sound works as expected and it is fairly straight forward when to move. However, it is fairly hard to finish the level without some luck since its very hard to plan. This is because you don't know what's going in the two above you until you move to the one one above.

On a side note, I am fairly pleased with my drawing for the winning screen.