Astronaut Escape

Astronaut Escape, a game for the physics game assignment by Karen Liu.


I wanted to create a reflex-based action game. I was inspired by the feel of Super Monkey Ball (along with plenty of other similar games).


I set out creating gameplay like Super Monkey Ball, but it turned out very difficult to control the ball and prevent it from sliding off the plane. I decided to allow the player to control gravity, and the reflexes would come into play with spots that the ball couldn't touch.


The novelty of the game is that the player controls gravity, rather than controlling the ball or the plane.


I was fairly satisfied with the gameplay. I think with deeper level design, it has the potential to be a lot more interesting. In particular, I wanted to add moving parts, such as blocks that would be pushed by the ball or doors on hinges.

I would have also liked to add an indicator to show which way the ball was currently traveling in, since that seems to be a confusing aspect especially when it is traveling toward or away from the player.

Some of the feedback I got was that controlling gravity is too similar to controlling the ball itself. Perhaps the next step is to control gravitational bodies, rather than gravity from a general direction, so that the ball is pulled towards fixed positions.

Lastly, a win condition might have been nice, since as it is the ball just floats off into space forever.


You are an astronaut who is trapped in spacecraft that has been taken over by aliens. Fortunately, though, you still have a remote to the controls for the artificial gravity in the ship. You've got your suit on, and you are ready to escape the ship, but there are DEATH BLOCKS in the way. Maneuver your way around them with the gravity controls.

To change gravity to up, down, left, or right, press the arrow keys. To change it to pull away from you, press a. To change it to pull towards you, press s.

Avoid red blocks! Touching them will end the game.

Note that there is a front wall to the ship, but it has been cut away from the view.