15-463, 15-663, 15-862
Computational Photography, Fall 2021
Final project instructions
Key deadlines
Key logistics

Teams: Final projects can be done either individually, or in teams of 2 students. However, if you choose to work in a team, the scope of your project should justify the need for a team, that is, it should be something that is really hard to pull off with just one person, given the timeline we have for the final projects.

Imaging hardware: Final projects can (and are encouraged) to make use of imaging hardware (cameras, projectors, lights, depth sensors, light field cameras, special lenses, and so on). If you already have access to such equipment, then great! If not, the teaching staff will likely be able to provide it, but you should talk to us in advance.

Project ideas (October 22nd, optional, but highly encouraged)

Each student will post on Piazza up to three ideas for a final project. (Please make sure to make your post private and assign it to the final project folder.) The description of each idea should be short, about one paragraph. The teaching staff will follow up on the posts, with feedback on each idea (whether it is of the right scope for a final project, whether it is too ambitious given the project timeline, and so on). We encourage you to submit the maximum number of ideas, so that you have more options for your eventual project proposal.

Type and scope of final projects: These are intentionally left very open-ended. It could be re-implementing and thoroughly evaluating a published computational photography research paper in scenaria not covered in the paper itself. It could be creating a new computational photography algorithm to produce some visual effect you find interesting. It could be using simple or advanced imaging equipment in some unconventional way. It could be proposing a modification to an existing computational photography system (software, hardware, or both) that you believe could result in some significant improvement. Especially in a field such as computational photography, the possibilities are very diverse and numerous.

Coming up with project ideas: Imagining something exciting and new to do as a project is hard, which is why we have allocated almost three weeks (including the time for your final project proposal) for this. Below are a few pointers that can help you come up with exciting and important ideas. You should also take advantage of office hours between now and the due dates for your ideas and proposal, to discuss potential final project topics with the teaching staff.

Below are some pointers to specific topics that the teaching staff find intriguing and suitable for a final project for this class (most of them make some use of hardware).

Project proposal (October 25th)

The written project proposal should be a PDF of size between 1-2 pages, to be submitted on Gradescope. It should have at least the following sections and content:

Project checkpoint meetings (November 29th and 30th, optional)

These will be 20-minute one-to-one meetings with each project team. During the meeting, you should be prepared to discuss the status of your project in detail. This includes:

The exact meeting schedule will be determined about a week in advance.

Final deliverables: project presentation and report

There are two final deliverables for your project: A project presentation, and a project report.

Project presentation (December 9th, 8:30 - 11:30 am, HH B103): Project presentations will happen during a special class scheduled during the exam period. Each presentations will last for 3 minutes, with 2 more minutes for questions from the teaching staff and other students. Time limits will be strictly enforced! Therefore, you should make sure to prepare and practice your presentation in advance. You should prepare as many slides you think you need for the 3 minutes you have.

Project report (December 14th): Your final report, to be submitted on Gradescope, should be a PDF of length 4 pages (for 15-463) or 8 pages (for 15-663 and 15-862), plus any additional pages for references. Your report should be written as an CVPR paper, both in terms of content and in terms of formatting (you can use the CVPR author kit for the formatting).

Special Thanks

Some of this write-up is inspired from Kayvon Fatahalian's final project instructions for 15-769: Visual Computing Systems.