Flash - No Flash Photography

Abe Wong (arwong.spamalope@andrew.cmu.edu)

Photographs in dark environments are enhanced by combining no-flash photos with flash photos, similar to Eisemann & Durand 2004, and Petschnigg et al. 2004. A bilateral filter (Tomasi & Manduchi 1998) is used to decouple global lighting and sharp detail.

The compositing function used here takes a fraction of the image diagonal to use as the sigma for the large-scale layer, and a fraction of the flash color component to replace the no-flash color. The intensity influence gaussian sigma is 0.4 across the board, as in Eisemenn & Durand.


The results presented here were taken with 'lights off' and 'lights on' to try to reduce shadowing and specular glow effects from a flash.




Composite, blur_frac=0.015, flash_color_frac=1.0.

Composite, blur_frac=0.005, flash_color_frac=1.0. Smaller large-scale makes shadows and other lighting effects in no-flash image clearer.

Martini & M9



Composite, blur_frac=0.005, flash_color_frac=0.75.

Composite, blur_frac=0.005, flash_color_frac=0.0.

Composite, blur_frac=0.015, flash_color_frac=1.0.




Composite, blur_frac=0.015, flash_color_frac=1.0. Shadow discoloration most is visible here.

Composite, blur_frac=0.005, flash_color_frac=0.75. Unnatural glow effect still visible.

Composite, blur_frac=0.0025, flash_color_frac=0.75. Preserves some noise, but also specular effects on glass and lighting through the window.