Experimental Animation 15-365 and 60-422
Spring 2017 MW 8:30-11:20 in 303 CFA
James Duesing and
Jessica Hodgins
Assistants: Spencer Diaz and Brittany De Nigris
This class will explore animation from the student's perspective with a
sense of investigation toward both form and content. Topics in the class
will include: 2D, puppet and non-traditional materials, manipulation of
motion and performance capture data and immersive environments. Non-linear
narrative and visual music will also be discussed. Experimental Animation is
an interdisciplinary course cross-listed in Art, Computer Science, and
the IDeATE program. Faculty and teaching assistants from computer science
and art teach the class as a team.
On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Demonstrate ability to work collaboratively with students from other
Produce animation projects with substantive content and technical
components using novel and experimental techniques.
- Some of you might want to apply to be
student volunteers
at SIGGRAPH 2017. Deadline February 13, 2017.
Vimeo page
Teams for final project:
- Offering (formerly RMM Carwash):
- Rhea Nayyar rnayyar
- Miles Peyton mpeyton
- Mercedes Reyes mreyes
- Papercut Strut:
- Katrina Chaudoin kchaudoi
- Minsun Park minsunp
- Rhyse McLean rmclean
- Porunen:
- Andrew Edwards aeedward
- Katherine Cao katheric
- Ariana Daly acdaly
- Orianna Green ogreen
- Room of Life:
- Louise Zhang fz2
- Gary Zhu xiaoguaz
- Femi Olukoya oolukoya
- Yuanzhou Ha yuanzhoh
- Slowdanger:
- Anna Henson ahenson
- Ricardo Tucker rftucker
- Jessica Medenbach jmmedenb
- Catherine Luo catheril